Just Noticed: All upgrades from 2.0.4 versions to 2.1 lost my archives
I’ve been noticing that on several blogs that were at version 2.0.4 .. the upgrade didn’t go to good (weeks later)
For instance: on my PetLvr blog …
I’ve got almost 2500 posts .. and there’s A LOT of archived posts that had a MORE statement is now permanently part of the text, and the rest of the article is missing.
I never used the more quicktag, although I did use the Evermore plugin. Prior to upgrade, all plugins were deactivated though.
I upgraded on February 4, 2007 and noticed on February 10th that there was problems with my Autosave function and I was getting the white screen
but nobody from wordpress replied or offered any solutions.Now – I’ve posted 67 articles since the upgrade and half my archives before that are totally wacked.
What can I do? I did do sufficient backups of the MySQL database prior to the upgrade. Is there a hope in heck to recover this disaster?
I need guidance – PLEASE!
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