I agree with Sam’s redirect to your other request. It’s great you figured out that problem but not adding the solution to your post leaves a useless page. Kindly add it so the next person searching for something like that doesn’t have to stumble through an even longer list of incomplete help requests before finding an answer to their question.
As for this question – certainly possible. solution is to look through your theme files and see which ones call for the sidebar (page.php? header.php? etc). You’d then make a similar file that doesn’t call for it and use that in a template for the page you are a creating.
Specifically, where the sidebar call is depends on what theme your using. different themes may place the sidebar call in different places.
As an example – if the theme has the sidebar call in the header.php file. One solution to creating a page without the sidebar is to create a second file called header2.php that is identical to header.php except you’ve commented out (or deleted) the sidebar call (Get Sidebar line). Next make a page template that calls header2 instead of header.php and use that page template for creating the page.
you can also add a few lines of CSS to your stylesheet or style.php to give pages using header2 a different look.
there’s lots of detail on how to do all of this in the codex.