• This new version of the stats plugin that embeds itself into the page does not work. EVERY TIME I click on the Blog Stats link, I’m asked to log into my WordPress.com account, which then redirects me to my profile. I would then have to renavigate over two clicks to see the stats, and then it displays the whole WordPress.com admin header inside there, so that half of the page is wasted for the header space. And it doesn’t remember my login either, it prompts me to go through that every time.

    Version 1.1 is a horrible upgrade. I’m going back to version 1.0–I really have no problems with having a redirect, and until you get rid of the iframe, I’m staying with 1.0.

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  • If you’re talking about a wordpress.com issue, you might discuss in their forums. This is www.ads-software.com.

    It is a wordpress.com issue, but it is a plugin issue too, simply because the plugin uses functionality of wordpress.com and tries to display a wordpress.com page via a IFRAME in the dashboard. I experience the same “little” problem. It doesn’t hurt much, but it is inconvenient. It is possible to describe it as a browser problem too, my Epiphany (a Firefox engine with a GNOME GUI) does not save the cookie for the IFRAME-embedded wordpress.com page in a way which allows to identify me.

    Okay. Who wrote the plugin? Perhaps you can speak to that person.

    I also rolled back to version 1.0 on Automattic Stats, as I didn’t care for links on the stats page opening in the frame. :/

    i am having the same issue on my own hosted site using wordpress. it asks me to login and then just opens my user info page in the global dashboard inside the frame. so essentially the global dashboard is inside the blog specific dashboard.

    I’m not a big fan of the iframe either, the redirect was just fine.

    On another note, was the little smiley face removed on the new version?



    You should not go back to 1.0!

    1.1 fixes a critical SQL-injection vulnerability!

    I’ve this problem too…

    Hopes this is fixed ASAP!

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