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  • Thread Starter LuxDelux


    I narrowed it down to also


    When set to On and the plugin is activated, website has extremely long load times.

    When set to Off, everything works fine.

    So basically it has something to do with fetching/sending files, though I don’t understand why that would happen if all the images are already synced and available.

    Plugin Author paypromedia


    Will take a look, thank you!

    Plugin Author paypromedia


    I have made a change to check for “allow_url_fopen” and if it’s on, use the command I was using (get_headers()) and if it’s off to use curl. Please let me know if this resolves the slowness issue.

    Thread Starter LuxDelux


    New errors now

    curl_multi_info_read() expects parameter 1 to be reso urce, integer given in /wp-content/plugins/rackspac e-cloud-files-cdn/lib/php-opencloud-1.9.2/vendor/guzzle/guzzle/src/Guzzle/Http/C url/CurlMulti.php on line 245


    curl_multi_exec() expects parameter 1 to be resource, integer given in /wp-content/plugins/rackspace-clo ud-files-cdn/lib/php-opencloud-1.9.2/vendor/guzzle/guzzle/src/Guzzle/Http/Curl/C urlMulti.php on line 229

    When synchronizing

    Plugin Author paypromedia


    I’ve updated the OpenCloud library to v1.10.0, it seems to have fixed the Guzzle errors. Could you update and let me know? Thanks!

    Thread Starter LuxDelux


    Thanks, still the same though a different error

    curl_getinfo(): 17 is not a valid cURL handle resource in /wp-content/plugins/rackspace-cloud-files-cdn/lib/functions.php on line 517


    Plugin Author paypromedia


    I have implemented some bug fixes. It looks like one of them may resolve your issue here. Please upgrade to 1.1.4 and let me know. Thanks!

    Thread Starter LuxDelux


    Same error as above, but now it’s on line 604


    Plugin Author paypromedia


    Please try again. Changed the file verification method where this issue exists.

    Plugin Author paypromedia


    This was not another version, though, you will have to deactivate, delete, install and then reactivate.

    regarding CURL, fopen and get_headers code, i would suggest using the in-built wp functions for that, as they handle the proper feature detections already ( and and etc )

    it seems the script is checking through verify_exists every time if the file is on the CDN, is that intended behaviour?

    can you please use e.g. transient cache for this instead, that’s expensive lookups on loading time and CDN costs

    or move it to cron altogether and just compare against the retrieved bucket list?

    Plugin Author paypromedia


    I have modified the plugin so it caches the file(s). Can you verify if this works or not?

    Plugin Author paypromedia


    Testing on my end shows this issue has been resolved. Since I have not received a response here, I will close this issue so I’m not tracking a bunch of dead issues.

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