• I have the following options ticked in the Admin section:

    Anyone can register
    Users must be registered and logged in to comment

    Before a comment appears:
    An administrator must always approve the comment
    Comment author must fill out name and e-mail
    Comment author must have a previously approved comment

    How comes I am getting comments from non-registered users (spam)?

    I have Akismet installed. When activated, the spam is caught by it. When not, I get the ‘please moderate’ emails. But I’d have thought requiring registration would stop all spam comments, at least from unregistered members.


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  • Probably because they’re not comments – they’re trackbacks or pingbacks.

    Yeah, but how do you stop it? I’ve got tons of easily identifiable (all have *mysex dot info* as part of it posts coming in. I get about 10 a day at least.

    I’m going to try turning off trackbacks and pings and see if that helps, but if someone could verify or give a better solution that would be great.


    >> someone could verify ..

    verify what?

    if you don’t want trackbacks or pingbacks, turn them off.

    if you want to use plugins to combat spam, theyre right here: https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/tags/spam

    lastly — you cant “stop” spam, you can only manage it.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    You can turn off all the functionality you want, but it won’t stop spam from coming in. It will mostly just stop real comments from coming in.

    If you want to stop spam, you have to block it directly.

    Install Bad Behavior.
    Install Akismet or Spam Karma 2.

    These are the only real solutions for spam fighting.

    As it turns out I already had “allow pings” turned off everywhere, and I don’t see any option to “allow trackbacks” (or not allow), yet I was still gettting this spam. So “if you don’t want trackbacks or pingbacks, turn them off.” does not appear to have addressed the situation (nor is it entirely clear)

    I’ve now tried blacklisting the common part of these comments to see if that helps, and will try the spam combatting plugins, but by verify I meant “verify that this is the correct course of action” because, hey, I really don’t have a clue about all this and I’m looking for help- as opposed to having to figure out what works on my own by trial and error.

    lastly — the spam is an artifact of WordPress. To “stop” the spam I only have to uninstall WordPress and I won’t be suceptible to the automated processes generating this garbage.

    Ha! Thanks Otto42 whilst I was typing all that garbage you gave me the real answer I was looking for!


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