This error means that your trying to login without a valid Session. My Brute-Force Protection requires the user to have a valid and persistent connection. It must have been working for you at some point or you would not have been able to activate the Brute-Force Protection.
The most common cause fro this error is that your browser has simply sat on the login page for so long that your session has timed out, or the page has been cached with an older session ID that has already expired. Try clearing your cache and refreshing the page first, then try to login again and it should work. You could also try logging in from another browser or a whole other computer that doesn’t have any sessions cached on it.
If that doesn’t work and your server has suddenly stopped being capable of creating and maintaining a persistent session then there are a few things that might be causing this. Check that the the server’s /tmp/ folder or session save path is not write protected and that the permission are right for your web-server software, and make sure that the partition is not full. You may need your hosting provider’s help with that.
If all else fails and you just want to disable the Brute-Force Protection so that you can login again then you can simply rem out the fist line in your wp-config.php file that conditionally includes the Brute-Force Protection file in my plugin, or you can completely rename or delete the whole gotmls folder from the plugins directory on your server.
Please email me directly if you need any further assistance with any of this:
eli AT gotmls DOT net