Again, the review is not a “personal thought” merely an accurate assessment that either by design or not, by intention or not, this plugin requires a lot more coding than others do to achieve a similar functionality. Not judging, just saying that this is how it is. It isn’t portrayed that way, so that’s why the 1 star, it might be a 5-star product for some, the way some deploy it, but not the way I intend to. It might be a 5-star plugin for someone who wants to basically code the thing themselves from the ground up and need a good lightly coded piece to start with. or it might be a 1-star plugin if you don’t want to go that route. The documentation is poorly written, that isn’t my personal thought. There are parts that are incomplete, and parts that are inaccurate and even code snippets that aren’t right, and even one of them is in the wrong document. So that isn’t a “personal thought” is it?
As far as my rights to do so, I’m sure Ashok Dudhat will disagree with you, based on how he responded to me earlier and through out my other support tickets.
Though I do appreciate your detailed response to my issue, that was what I was looking for when I asked earlier, and your associate, though he is listed as a plugin author, seemed either uninformed, or just was not interested in helping, not sure which, though he did take the time to respond to me about my review on EVERY SINGLE post I have. Not very nice, not very “helpful” not someone I would ever ask for help from or deal with again. He sent me a link to use shortcode for listing a specific post by post ID. Then I spend a couple hours on other forums, and complete strangers look at the code to this plugin and are able to assist me. Though at this point, I’d rather not spend any more time on this plugin, for the very reason, that I know if I ever needed help, or I purchased the other 3 plugin addons I need, I know, I will get bad info, I know my issue will go unresolved, and I know that I will get pointed to a document that isn’t very useful. I know that if I dare to speak out, I will get insulted back. I can’t afford that risk if I am going to pay a chunk for the other addons I need. (which pales in comparison to the time I will spend fixing the core) That’s a large investment total. Too big of a risk here.