• Resolved oseary


    I’ve googled the heck outta my issue and haven’t found anyone else with the same issue… I’m a Mac user who has a WordPress 2.2 site (pesosforpenguins.com) and I recently decided to test out Safari 3. It’s sposed to be faster and blah blah so I gave it a go.

    I can see my site fine, login to it without issue, and make new posts. However, the line breaks (pressing enter) never seem to “stick” when pressing “publish.” Am I missing something in either Safari or my WP configuration?

    Everything works great in Fireyferret and IE (on a PC), just not in Safari.

    Anyone else had this issue, or can anyone lead any guidance? An example of my issue can be seen at this post (as it’s all one massive paragraph) :



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  • Thread Starter oseary



    I see what you’re talking about with Safari 3. I also see that when I switch from the Visual editor to the Code editor, no code appears.

    Not only that, turning off the Visual editor, and returning to edit line breaks into a post, the line breaks stick after the post is saved, but, turning the Visual editor back on and going back to edit and save the same post removes the line breaks again!

    Last, the extra buttons on the Visual editor don’t appear when I press Control-V as they had in Safari 2.x since WP 2.2.

    If you’re looking for guidance, I’d say forget about using the Visual editor in Safari 3 beta, and if you must use Safari to create or edit posts or other WP files, then revert to Safari 2.

    Thread Starter oseary


    I’m not necessarily hung up on Safari, I wanted to test it to see if it’d be a viable switch from FF, since it is faster. However since I’ve tried it, I haven’t really liked it all that much… Yea it’s faster, but I can’t do the same things with tabs that I can with fireyferret, and a few other things grind my gears with it as well…

    I will try some things with Safari 2, but I was really trying to narrow it down to a Safari issue, or a WP issue.

    It seems Safari related, right?

    I’ve just tripped over this issue, and yes, it definitely seems Safari related (which is a shame, as everything else I’ve found in Safari 3 was pretty much an improvement over Safari 2.) Still, it is a beta, after all. And I can always use Firefox or MarsEdit or whatever when I want to post for now.

    The Gecko rendering engine is buggy in Mac OS X 10.5, which is what I’m running.

    I’d REALLY love to be able to use Safari, because WebKit looks great, although it looks like there won’t be any further support for this.

    Thread Starter oseary


    I’ve also tried the newest beta, and the issue isn’t fixed either. What surprises me most of all, is the lack of results when I Googled it. It makes me feel CRRRAZZY, or just realizing that no one really likes Safari, and everyone just uses Fireyferret. lol

    I can confirm – Safari 3.0 is editor challenged. I can use some of the features but inserting an image link does nothing. Even editing in the code view doesn’t work as you go back and your changes are gone.

    What’s the plan – not sure if there is another post. I wanted my kids to be able to update their page and I have “control” over where they go with Safari, I don’t want to give them Firefox. Maybe i’ll try bumpercar.

    I don’t know if the issue is with Safari or changes that have been made by the WordPress team. If you go to TinyMCE’s demo page the editor seems to work fine, paragraphs aren’t joined together.

    Does anyone know of a small hack that could be applied to TinyMCE in WordPress – not to give it more functionality but simply to fix the paragraph issue in Safari? I know of a plugin you can install but it offers too many extra options for my (or my client’s) liking.

    I’m sick of Firefox, for whatever reason it’s just not happy on my Mac – Ever. And the interface needs some polish.

    Safari 3 , on the other hand is wonderful – except for the editor with WP 2.2

    Problem 1: Strips line breaks when saving, or switching between visual and code view.
    Problem 2: Can’t upload images – App quits when I try. But who cares, who needs Images?

    Problems occurs under Mac OS 10.4.10 (and now (10.5), I have Safari 3 on Windows as well and I will try it to see if it occurs there as well.

    I am in desperate need of a fix for this and I am getting fed up with switching to FF just to reformat the post I just finished writing.

    Is there anyway to turn the visual editor off like it is in Safari 2?


    Thread Starter oseary


    I still cannot post via Safari to my WP blog… I’m on Leopard, yet line breaks are never recognized.

    What the heck do I need to do?!

    If you go to Users->Your Profile, you can turn off the Visual Editor. You’re limited to writing your posts in HTML, which is definitely not optimal, but the damn WYSIWYG editor won’t strip out your formatting anymore.

    I’d really, really like to see this fixed, wherever it needs to be (sick of reading flame wars back and forth about who’s at fault) since starting up Firefox everytime I want to post, when I’ve already got Safari open is a PITA.

    Just wanted to bump this thread. It’s quite an annoying distraction, especially on lengthy posts, to realize you’ve done away with all paragraphs just because you forgot to switch to Firefox. Please fix.

    I’m a relatively junior WordPress users, but I’ve set up four blogs so far and this bug has been driving me nuts. I’ve had success using Dean’s FCKEditor in Firefox, but I don’t care for Firefox and it’s a pain to run two browsers when Safari 3 is so capable.

    At last, it would appear that the TinyMCE folks are getting serious about us Safari fans. Check out the specs of their upcoming version: https://tinymce.moxiecode.com/punbb/viewtopic.php?id=8959

    About 2/3 of the way down the list you’ll see this: Added new Safari plugin, fixes lots compatibility of issues with Safari 3.x.

    Good news.


    Thread Starter oseary


    I hope so… I love the overall speed of Safari, as I’ve only used it a few times, due to its incompatibility with WP.

    However, does the new TinyMCE plugin go into the WordPress install? i.e. the new TinyMCE plugin will be built in to the new WordPress install (2.3/?), or will it have/need to be downloaded and installed separately?

    I guess we all just have to keep our fingers crossed that the issue will be resolved… at some point in time.

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