• I am trying to blog by email by emailing images into the site yet it wont show the images i attach to the emails. IS there a reason for this has anyone else had this problem or am i just being stupid. I am a complete novice at this

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  • Hi! You’re not stupid… I’m having the same problem… Or, hehehehe, we’re both stupids! ??

    Blog by email is pretty much text only. If you’re feeling fancy, you could host the image on a server and then add the appropriate <img> tag to your email. I’ve never tried it, but seem logical.

    To learn more about it, have a look at Blog_by_Email.

    The help page on www.ads-software.com says any images or attachements will be displayed inline, in the message body.


    Email Format

    WordPress will use the Subject line of your email for the title of the post, and all body of the email will be used as the content of the post, with common HTML tags stripped. WordPress will file the post under whichever category is selected for “Usual Category” in Step 1, and will use Site Admin as the poster.

    Any images and attachments in your email will be posted inline.”

    My problem is, images are converted to numerical code, and do not display as images. Any help for this?

    Handysolo, it’s all very well saying “Blog by email is pretty much text only” but the “Blog by email” codex documentation does say “Any images and attachments in your email will be posted inline”.

    I get the same problem as pulpitfire in that the image displays as numerical code. Also I get “=” displayed that break up the lines in the email. Also very annoying.

    If it is the case that attachments sent with an email cannot be displayed properly, then can someone remove the inaccurate statement, which will save lots of people lots of time wasted on trying to find a non-existent solution to the problem.

    Glad I found this, I was beginning to pull my hair out. Looking forward to the outcome.

    You should check out Postie;


    Postmaster 1.0.4

    Brett also adjusted his plugin to work with BlackBerry attachments.

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