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  • Plugin Author backup-plugin-ready


    Hello Positive!

    What it mean “crash my site”
    Can you send me screenshot of the crashed site?
    Is there’re something wrong with layouts or back-end admin area?

    Send me URL of your website and list of all installed plugin I’ll check what’s wrong and will fix it.


    I do not know exactly what issue PostiveMostOfTheTime had and what he meant with crashing the site but I can tell you that I had problems that fit this description.

    In my case I was unable to log into wp-admin. When I tried, I got a blank page and 500 internal error.

    I got it to work by removing the ready-backup folder from the plugins folder. My URL is

    My installed plugins are:

    I hope it helps,
    Simon Almstrom

    Thread Starter PositiveMostOfTheTime


    @back Up Plugin

    Hi there thanks for your reply.

    When I updated the plug in…it updated and I got the usual message that it had been updated and activated. But when I clicked on another link within my Admin area I got a “fatal error” message that included “ready backup plugin” as the source for the error. Sorry I did not make a copy of the error.

    I was unable to access any area of my admin. All links would bring up the same error. Nor would my site come up. So I had to go to my server and manually remove your plugin. Once I did that everything now works as normal.

    I’m not using any of the plugins @simonalmstrom is using so not sure if a plug in conflict is the issue or not.

    Plug ins I am using are:

    WordPress Version 3.7.1

    iDangerous MoOver
    Wordpress Importer
    Page Expiration Robot
    WP Leads Explosion

    I hope this helps. Will check back for any updates.

    Also I appreciate the offer to fix the problem but I really don’t have time to deal with it I need to get things done. So for now I’ll have to go with another solution and try your plug in again in the future as I think it’s a really good plugin that’s easy to use. Obviously, it seems to be causing the same issues with the back-end admin area for others as well. I’m sure you’ll figure out.


    I can confirm that, I’m running WP 3.7.1, and after applying latest update to Ready-backup all /wp-admin/* pages are broken with message

    Fatal error: Call to a member function getView() on a non-object in /home/website/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ready-backup/modules/adminmenu/views/adminmenu.php on line 24

    Plugin Author backup-plugin-ready



    Please update to the latest version of the Ready! Backup plugin. We try to fix that bug in the new release.

    I had the same experience as above. When I updated the plugin, the site worked fine, but the admin section went down.

    It looks like Backup Plugin Ready is saing that the plugin has been fixed, so I’m going to try installing it again, b/c it is a great plugin when working.

    Just FYI – in order to get back into wp-admin, I had to disable the plugin via FTP.

    Just re-installed the plugin and everything seems to be working fine again. – Thanks.

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