@back Up Plugin
Hi there thanks for your reply.
When I updated the plug in…it updated and I got the usual message that it had been updated and activated. But when I clicked on another link within my Admin area I got a “fatal error” message that included “ready backup plugin” as the source for the error. Sorry I did not make a copy of the error.
I was unable to access any area of my admin. All links would bring up the same error. Nor would my site come up. So I had to go to my server and manually remove your plugin. Once I did that everything now works as normal.
I’m not using any of the plugins @simonalmstrom is using so not sure if a plug in conflict is the issue or not.
Plug ins I am using are:
WordPress Version 3.7.1
iDangerous MoOver
Wordpress Importer
Page Expiration Robot
WP Leads Explosion
I hope this helps. Will check back for any updates.
Also I appreciate the offer to fix the problem but I really don’t have time to deal with it I need to get things done. So for now I’ll have to go with another solution and try your plug in again in the future as I think it’s a really good plugin that’s easy to use. Obviously, it seems to be causing the same issues with the back-end admin area for others as well. I’m sure you’ll figure out.