• I ran into a problem today where a user would submit a new `post in WordPress, and it would cause the web server to lock up. Restarting the web server would start Apache properly, and would serve static content fine until the user requested another page from WordPress where it would lock up again.

    The configuration is a little odd, so it probably doesn’t happen to many users. In order for it to occur, you have to have the “WordPress Address” setting as a URL starting with ‘https’, and then write your post using a non-https URL. I tracked this down to a problem with the cron function built into wordpress. Specifically this bit of code in the spawn_cron() function in includes/cron.php

    $cron_url = get_option( 'siteurl' ) . '/wp-cron.php';
            $parts = parse_url( $cron_url );
            if ($parts['scheme'] == 'https') {
                    // support for SSL was added in 4.3.0
                    if (version_compare(phpversion(), '4.3.0', '>=') && function_exists('openssl_open')) {
                            $argyle = @fsockopen('ssl://' . $parts['host'], $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'], $errno, $errstr, 0.01);
                    } else {
                            return false;
            } else {
                    $argyle = @ fsockopen( $parts['host'], $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'], $errno, $errstr, 0.01 );
            if ( $argyle )
                    fputs( $argyle,
                              "GET {$parts['path']}?check=" . wp_hash('187425') . " HTTP/1.0\r\n"
                            . "Host: {$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}\r\n\r\n"

    The line that says:

    $argyle = @fsockopen('ssl://' . $parts['host'], $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'], $errno, $errstr, 0.01);

    Assumes that you are hitting the current page on the same server/port as that returned by get_option( ‘siteurl’ ). Since the user was hitting the non-https version of the site, that would cause this code in the spawn_cron() function to connect to port 80 and try to establish an SSL connection. WordPress would get that request as “\x80|\x01\x03\x01”, and issue it the home page, which would, in-turn, re-run the cron function again. That sub-request would redo the same thing over, and that would continue until Apache ran out of connections. At that point it would try to request the page again, and would wait endlessly for a connection to open up, and never would.

    So, to solve, I added one line, and modified another like this:

    [root@server wp-includes]# diff cron.php cron.php.original
    <                       $port = isset($parts['port']) ? $parts['port'] : 443;
    <                       $argyle = @fsockopen('ssl://' . $parts['host'], $port, $errno, $errstr, 0.01);
    >                       $argyle = @fsockopen('ssl://' . $parts['host'], $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'], $errno, $errstr, 0.01);
    <               $port = isset($parts['port']) ? $parts['port'] : 80;
    <               $argyle = @ fsockopen( $parts['host'], $port, $errno, $errstr, 0.01 );
    >               $argyle = @ fsockopen( $parts['host'], $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'], $errno, $errstr, 0.01 );

    That makes it consider the port of the url returned by get_option( ‘siteurl’ ), instead of using the port you are currently connected on. It defaults to port 443 if the url begins with https, and port 80 if not.

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