• I’m sorry to come out like a bitching kid, but I’m really frustrated with this whole WP thing. I really thought blogger sucked and then I tried WP…

    Anyway, can someone help me out here?

    Why does WP always butcher my html code? I’d make a post that contains embed code from YouTube, it will post it fine, but when I go to edit something (for example category, or even something inside the post) the code is all butchered, incomplete, missing vital parts so when I save after making my change, the whole embed is broken. It is exactly the same with other html. I would add float command to the image with padding on the sides and if I go to edit it, that padding is totally butchered. Why can’t WP handle hand inserted, clean code?

    Furthermore, what’s up with the image uploader? Actually, uploader works, it’s when you go to inset the image to the post it gets all butchered. I chose to have the thumb created and linked to the page with large preview file. It linked to the non existent page (404 error). How can I make it so it actually works?

    So far nothing but problems…

    Thanks a lot,

    Mr. Frustrated

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  • If you enter html code in the wysiwyg animal (Visual mode) – that will not work ever. It doesn’t work anywhere, as far as I know. I assume if you are familiar with html, you don’t really need the wysiwyg editor. I never have any problems with whatever code I enter. True, on all my blogs the visual editor is killed as the very first step after installation.

    The attachment page also works for me on any WP install.

    Maybe a link to see what’s going on…?



    I think this is a problem with almost any CMS or Blogging platform, all of them that I’ve tried anyways. I’m not exactly sure if it’s because of security issues (in case you have writers), a development decision or just a shortcoming in the software. Either way, I too have had to learn that inserting code into the box is not always welcome. If you insert a <div> it changes it into a <p> tag…..and many other similar things like that.

    There may be ways around this, I think I read somewhere about a hack so that the admin could enter anything and it wouldn’t try and “fix” it, but it’s been a while and you’d have to do some digging to find that article or plugin, I forget what/where it was. I didn’t pay much attention to it to be honest because I just didn’t need it at the time.

    Hopefully that sheds a little light on your issues.

    If anyone has any information on the above mentioned hack or plugin, please let us know, I’m interested too.

    Thread Starter unclefecker


    I give up. I see myself going back to blogger. This is the blog in question – https://www.beersteak.com/

    Take a look at the latest post. I have this html code that handles the image I inserted using Code tab:

    <a rel="attachment wp-att-9" href='https://www.beersteak.com/sports/nba/greg-oden-out-nba-season/greg-oden.jpg' /><img src="https://www.beersteak.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/greg-oden.thumbnail.jpg" alt="Greg Oden" /></a>

    I insert it before the text, hit save and what happens is pure bull… My code gets changed into this:

    <a rel="attachment wp-att-9" href="https://www.beersteak.com/sports/nba/greg-oden-out-nba-season/greg-odenjpg/"></a><img src="https://www.beersteak.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/greg-oden.thumbnail.jpg" alt="Greg Oden" />

    Which is a disfunctional code that’s good for nothing, pointing to a non existent page. I can edit and modify as much as I like, it will always be changed for me to this crap… What’s wrong with this software?

    the image I inserted using Code tab:
    If you see the Code/Visual tabs… your wysiwyg is active and that’s in effect when you save the post or Page.
    I said disable it, turn it off (admin > Users > Your profile)!

    Thread Starter unclefecker


    Hey themesbycal,

    that sounds like something I need. WP is “fixing” everything I enter causing completely mulfunctioning pages and I spend whole day making a single post look decent. WTF???

    moshu – I have turned visual tab off. I never use it anyway… Hope it will help some.

    Can anyone still help me with linking pictures to a page with larger file? WP points it to a non existent page – https://www.beersteak.com/sports/nba/greg-oden-out-nba-season/greg-odenjpg so all I can do is to try to manually modify it so it points into the file itself (cause that is physically present on my server so I can find the URL to it, even though WP makes it a b1tch to modify that with its constant replacments of what I make it).



    Yeah the image thing I don’t get. Usually I can enter images and pick thumbnail or link to file etc. and it works fine. I’ve never really had any issues with that.

    Maybe try and just try it again from scratch, start a new page and upload/insert image again just to see what happens. If you’ve already done that, then I’m not sure what to tell you, I’ll have to think……..

    First of all, you have some faulty code in your stylesheet:
    p img <— here
    If removed, your thumb displays in the posts (now it doesn’t) and then clicking on it it displays the image itself (not thumb!). However, since it is NOT set to be displayed on attachment, it doesn’t go to its own page.

    Thread Starter unclefecker


    moshu, I’m not sure I quite understood your post. Can you elaborate?

    Thread Starter unclefecker


    Hey themesbycal,

    I made 2 posts with pictures, neighter of them worked. I had to force it to link to the image file, cause that’s a solid link – a file that physically exists on the server (thumb linking to the large version .jpg file)

    I am going to your site (FF on Win XP) and I do NOT see the thumbnail image in the post, although in the source code it is here.
    I turn on the Dev Toolbar > Edit Stylesheet and delete everything on the line p img... and suddenly the thumb pic appears in the post and it is clickable – taking me to this pic:
    (because the thumb is linked to image NOT to page!)

    Thread Starter unclefecker


    This part is causing troubles?

    p img {
    	padding: 0;
    	max-width: 100%;

    I deleted it form the stylesheet. Can you try again see if it works?

    PS – I’m on IE7 and thumbs have been displayed properly for me.

    Thread Starter unclefecker


    The reason why thumbs link to .jpg files is that if WP makes it otherwise link to the page that returns 404 error, in this particular case it is this one:


    My goal IS to have it linked to a page with the image, rather than to the image file, cause I want to leave credit and copyright notices with images, which I can’t ATM because wordpress is rendering non existent pages. Darn…

    Well, I can still see it in the stylesheet, and while it is there I can NOT see the thumbs.

    There is something wrong with your whole install in that case. If after upload I select:
    thumbnail + linke to page + Send to editor… I get a code like this inserted in my post (visual gizmo killed!!!)

    <a href='https://localhost/222/wordpress/?attachment_id=4' rel='attachment wp-att-4' title='02_pic3.jpg'><img src='https://localhost/222/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/02_pic3.thumbnail.jpg' alt='02_pic3.jpg' /></a>

    Thread Starter unclefecker


    Hmmm, if I choose thumbnail + linke to page + Send to editor… I get this:

    <a href='https://www.beersteak.com/sports/nba/greg-oden-out-nba-season/greg-odenjpg/' rel='attachment wp-att-9' title='greg-oden.jpg'><img src='https://www.beersteak.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/greg-oden.thumbnail.jpg' alt='greg-oden.jpg' /></a>

    …and that’s a non existent page.

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