• So, I know I’ve been getting hits — people are posting comments and I’m getting contact form hits. It says it’s working (“The WordPress.com Stats Plugin is configured and working. Visitors who are logged in are not counted. (This means you.)”) But there are no stats showing up in wordpress.com’s global dashboard. What gives? Any ideas?

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  • Now, I’m not sure, but couldn’t the problem possibly be that this Plugin only works for wordpress.com blogs, not those hosted off-site?

    I ask because I had the same problem, and just figured that the Plugin assumes that your site is hosted on their servers.

    Hey Karlatzke, just had the same problem and solved it.

    When you install the stats plugin, it writes a couple of lines in the footer: <script src=”https://stats.wordpress.com&#8230;
    So first I added <?php wp_footer(); ?> which stands just before the </body>, then I made footer.php writable and then I reinstalled the plugin. Now it works! You will see the stats.wordpress.com script in your pages source only if you’re not logged in into wordpress!

    something is messed up with this plugin and 2.3, suddenly all the hits I get are for 1 post, a post that never got many hits before at all

    Spider-Man 3 (2007) 200 More stats
    Archives 6 More stats
    Colophon 3

    whereas the days before looked “normal”

    or maybe it is a combination of the latest K2 (nightly 29.9.2007) and wp2.3 and wp stats 1.1.1

    So “slim stats” behaves the same way and lists that one post “Spider-Man” for all incoming hits on posts.

    This happens since I updated to 2.3 and is possibly related to the db changes?

    a hit is listed as “Spider Man 3” but the link points to
    a totally different article.

    i.e. for any incoming hit the listed title and url do not match.

    Anyone else have this problem?

    ps. the stats from my host are all correct of course…

    Instructions need to be made more precisely – my blog that works -theme does not have a footer.php and I can’t find the piece of code that is said is required;

    My blog that does not work (gets no stats recorded) has the footer.php – and I added code

    <?php wp_footer(); ?>

    which stands just before the </body>
    but gets no stats counted.
    Theme Name: Misty Mellow
    Theme URI: https://www.templatesinc.com
    Description: This theme is widget ready, XHTML valid and Css Valid Theme.
    This theme has three columns and is a fluid width.
    Theme by Pets
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Templates Inc

    it stoped work with WP 2.3 !

    I am also having problem with WP Stats since my upgrade to 2.3. It keeps asking me for username and password every time I check my stats, even I checked “Remember Me” option. Also, Stats displays the post Id instead of the post name, and the link is pointing to the wrong place.

    Another thing is when I login to WP Stats, it loads up my WordPress.com account’s global dashboard inside of my blog’s dashboard, and I have to click the “Blog stats” within the global dashboard to see my blog stats. Very annoying!

    I worked very well with WP 2.2 until I upgraded to 2.3.

    Can someone help? There is a Trac ticket for this issue, but it has been marked as Invalid, I can’t believe it.

    Sorry – I read my post above and it sounds rather rude and demanding… I didn’t mean it that way! Just poor choice of wording, ;(

    Thanks guys… it took me a couple of days to find this thread and I have fixed the problem by adding that code in the footer… I updated my theme and that piece of info didn’t come across.


    silvesterr said:
    So first I added <?php wp_footer(); ?> which stands just before the </body>

    Can someone tell me which file I’m meant to add this to please?

    Your theme’s footer.php.

    I don’t know where to begin, but this is my problem with no stats showing up.

    I host my site. I then set up a site on the wp.com site for my church (didnt tell anyone about it). Since then when I check my stats on “my” site it thinks I’m logged in as the “church” and so I think it’s reading the stats for the new site hosted on WP. So how can I log in to my hosted site… weird because it does see me as logged in properly and I post as per usual, it’s only Stats that is acting up. Any help?

    find the code at “pastorpainter.com” with a picture a few posts down on what I see.

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