• Hello, I am using the eCard plugin and it looks great. The problem is, that it is not sending the eCards when I submit them. I can’t find any settings that control the send function. Has anybody else used this plugin? IF so, how did you get it to work? I really appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks much.


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  • Funny, I can’t get past the upload stage. All is installed, and I get this message when I browse to upload an image:

    Not Found
    The requested URL /wp-admin/edit.php was not found on this server.

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    I have confirmed that the edit.php file exists in that location, so I’m stuck.

    Like you, mindimer, I got a similar or maybe the same url error. Part of the trick appears to be that the plugin unpacks in a directory called ‘ecards’. Nice and tidy. Unfortunately, the plugin hasn’t got the directory part sorted out. I can get past the upload stage by editing some of the lines with the full path.

    This’ll be slamming it with a sledgehammer, there’ll be some elegant php way of doing this, meanwhile, I edited lines 146, 150, 163, and 174 i.e. where ever there’s path reference, and added the directory (ecards) and told the plugin where stuff is to be found.

    E.g. wp-admin/edit.php?page=ecards.php became
    http:/ /myblog/wp-admin/edit.php?page=http:/ / myblog/wp-content/plugins/ecards/ecards.php

    Revolting, but suddenly I could upload images, plonk the [Ecard=17] (or whatever number it was), send the email, receive the email, and delete the image file.

    Note, I haven’t mentioned I could pick up the card yet, or that the image file was attached, or quite any part of that. But at least lumps of the plugin are starting to work. There will be a vastly more elegant method of getting the path stuff sorted – I’m a php-newbie and haven’t got the basics sorted yet.

    I’ll continue to hammer away at it, it can’t be that complicated. Please give it a shot and report back how it works. Once we can get it going, we can turn our attention to the more important task of making it look good.

    Hmmm e-cards….sounds like fun…looking

    the php file has to be loaded directly into the plugins/ folder and not inside its own folder.

    Works fine.

    Sadly, not so for me, if I do the standard install, but in the plugins ‘root’ directory I get ‘404 – the page you were looking for (/wp-admin/edit.php?page=ecards.php) was not found here at w ww…’ no matter what I try to do. I’m using WP 2.3.3. I’ve tried flushing the table from the database, and downloading and reinstalling a fresh plugin. To no avail.

    Heading back towards my original concept…

    Yep, I can get it to work if I stick with my original game plan – i.e. map the full paths, and then change the following lines:
    91-Pick up your card:

    91-Pick up your card:

    The end result is the ecard is kind of more like sending an e-post-it. When I pick up my card, it’s back to the post, with your own message, along with the original posting. As a proof of concept, this is a great plugin, in terms of useful, well, I guess it has motivated me to try to get it to work and force my hand into learning some php. :}

    Thanks, Joost, great concept. Some things about it I love – the image upload/delete thing works nicely – in fact all the back end stuff seems to work fine when you finally get it working. The front end is needing further work.

    What I’d like is more like a typical ecard approach – either a gallery, select, add a message and go; or a link from any photo on a posting that is ‘send this image as an ecard’, click, add a message and go. As it stands the plugin could be useful to the pro-bloggers as in – ‘saw this page, loved it, send it to someone else with a note explaining what was so cool’. While I can have more than one image on a page/post, every time I do another form gets added…

    There’s a slicker, and more typical ecard model, plugin/widget just busting to be written.

    I’m using WP 2.5.1 and this plugin ecards.
    I have a problem with the “Ivalid token” message. The problem is, that there is no message-ID in the link, that i get via e-mail.

    In lines 117 and 118 of ecards.php:

    Pick up your card:

    But my link, that I get via e-mail is:


    I guess, something is wrong with the $ecard_id in the line 111.
    Any ideas?

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