• I Have three blogs on yahoo, each with different account, all blogs and associated directories showing 500 error, anyone else having problems

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  • I know of a least one yahoo blog working okay.

    Oops, know of another getting error 500s also.

    i have been getting same problems througout the weekend, now i’m trying to edit my blogs everything is taking forever to load, really fustrating…


    also i’ve been getting thiese problems since i upgraded to 2.3, but it seemed to work after i downgraded to 2.0 but now it is the same problems and slowness,

    i contacted yahoo but customer service said it could be a wp issue

    I had the same problem all weekend. For three days they told me it was their problem, not mine.
    Then they told me the bug in their system was fixed and that it was a WP issue. Lucky for me I hadn’t added any real content yet. I did a fresh install following Michael H’s special Yahoo instructions for the database and it worked.

    Search here for something like “Yahoo Installation” and you’ll find them.

    Oh, I forgot to say that the reason I had to do a fresh install was that the Yahoo guy said he could help me and I ended up with WP 2.0.2 instead of 2.3.1

    Here’s the link to those instructions:

    Please note that Yahoo’s WordPress Blogging tool does install WordPress 2.0.3 (at least as of a couple of days ago).

    i just started my blog this weekend, too, and have spent the past three days feeling like an idiot because my blog kept having problems: taking a hundred years to load, posts not posting, or posts visible on one computer but not another, changes not appearing, etc.

    anyway, i wrote to yahoo customer service, but haven’t heard back.

    michael H, you seem to be the resident Yahoo-WP expert. do you think i should do the database trick you suggest and reinstall wordpress completely? also, do you think i’ll EVER be able to use the file-uploader tool when i post?

    finally, it seems i have WP 2.0.2. why would yahoo install an old version for me?

    I’m having problems also. My pages will not display properly, only the last post shows up, widgets are on the other side, and categories missing, so no one can find my other posts!

    Ocean Mist theme is unaffected though, for some reason.

    @blueblano — since you just started this weekend, if you are of the mind, I’d consider a new install. If necessary, after the installation, change the permissions on wp-content to 777. Can’t say why Yahoo doesn’t install a more recent version.

    @witewolf – you’re more likely to get responses to your questions on the other thread you started at https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/143298?replies=1

    Yesteday, my site suddenly stopped directing to the updated blog front page. Then today it fixed itself, except that font sizes on the front page are blown up. I’m just going to wait and hope it too fixes itself.



    You DEFINATELY have to do a manual install. don’t let it spook you, it is pretty simple and you learn a lot in the process. I’ve detailed the install as follows: https://natespost.com/index.php/install-wordpress-on-yahoo-server/
    Good luck!


    I’am overwhelmed.. I willing to pay someone to do an
    install on yahoo for me on two sites.

    Can you point me in the right direction to get this


    please advise

    I likewise am overwhelmed with the whole YaHoo/WP relationship. After deactivating MANY times…..YaHoo tells me I’ve corrupted something and it’s a WP problem. NOT happy since they take my money every month. Nonetheless, I deactivated AGAIN and now AGAIN changes I make to my blog are not visible on the Net….for instance, I change a category name and it stays the same live, but when I view the site from within WP, changes are visible. Tagline didn’t change on thecuriosityjar.com, did change on thecuriosityjar.com/blog. (my two test posts are there though) I have been jacking with this for weeks…I am NOT a code person…bought the WP book for dummies….FOR THE LOVE OF GOD…..someone please help??? I was a criminal lawyer and THIS makes THAT cake. Swear! Just wanted a simple little blog…… My self esteem is being damaged here!! help!

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