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  • Hi, I’m using this plugin too and I’ve noticed the same error.
    I’ve just pointed the code to the new tables in the database and it seems to work.
    If you want to try, here is a link to the php file you must replace in the plugin folder.

    Hope it will help ??

    For 2.3 patch to show categories but not tags

    $cats = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->terms JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy USING (term_id) WHERE taxonomy='category' ORDER BY name");

    thanks for the update php-file. i wonder if its possible to have the categories hidden the user cant post in.
    so that the users aren’t confused by all the different categories…?


    the name of the page that you post on changed so you need to change the page address in the php file for the plug in.

    function butc_adminHead($in) {
    	global $user_level;
    	$cat = butc_getCategory();
    	if ($cat && $user_level < 10) {
    		   $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
    	return $in;


    I’m having a little bit of trouble understanding the discussion here. Are the above snippets of code supposed to re-establish this plugin in WP 2.3? Thanks!

    jaldrich: thanks a lot! thats great. works now

    charliestout: yes, actually if you modify these few lines the plugin works in wp 2.3.

    i got one more thing i dont know how to accomplish: can i somehow bind a user to multiple categories? didnt work out for me yet.

    This plugin is now up to date with the fixes and I can confirm it works.

    Regarding multiple categories, you’d have to write your own function to hide part of the category list rather than all of it. This really needs to be in the WP core.

    Make this plugin compatible with 2.5 ….


    function butc_removeCategorySelection($page) {
    	return preg_replace('#<fieldset id="categorydiv".*?</fieldset>#sim', '', $page);


    function butc_removeCategorySelection($page) {
    	return preg_replace('#<div id="categorydiv".*?<h2>Advanced Options</h2>
    #sim', '<h2>Advanced Options</h2>
    ', $page);

    This should allow for the categories box to disappear while being logged in as a user that is bound.

    Hello all,

    I updated the php file with the one Cla-ude changed.
    I therefore made the two updates that jaldrich posted to have the plugin compatible with 2.5 but it seems it’s still not working.
    May someone put the updated plugin somewhere so we may download it?

    Thanks a lot for your help with the upgrade of the plugin.


    I installed, and all works fine in 2.5, except when hiding the category box following jaldrich’s instruction, it hides the category box, but also hides the format tools on top of the text editor box. any ideas how to reshow the format tools etc whilst still hiding the categories?

    I can’t figure out why it’s not working when i’ve done all the changes.
    summerrainrecordings, mya you zip the bind-user-to-cat.php file and post it somewhere so i may download it.
    I’ll then have a look at the probleme with the format tools.
    Anyone with an idea why this format tools disapear?


    Here you go:

    Hve you created a user, assigned them to a cat, and then logged in and tested it under their name?

    Thanks a lot summerrainrecordings.
    That’s working now.

    I have no problems with the format tools on top of the text editor box.
    It appear as before.
    Are you sure you don’t have an other plugin that interact with this one and could explain why you don’t have the format tools?

    Hmm, that’s interesting. What browser are you using? I tried deactivating all other plugins and still a problem.

    If I remove the edit suggested by jaldrich, then the text format tools appear, but then the categories aren’t hidden.

    I’m using OSX with Safari and Firefox 3.

    I’m using FF2 on windows XP but it’s also working on Explorer 7.
    May be do I mis-understand what disappeared on your panel.

    I put a screenshot of the pannel i got for a binded user (author status) here:

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