Query the database? Will this occur in a regular theme template, or an external (to WordPress) PHP document?
Within a WP template you can query posts and assign that to a(n object) variable pretty simply with:
<?php $posts_query = new WP_Query('showposts=14'); ?>
Reference: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Function_Reference/WP_Query
To display only the initial (top) five posts, that loop would begin like so:
while( $posts_query->have_posts() && ($post_count < 5) ) :
Not only do we test for have_posts() on the $posts_query object we’ve created, but also on $post_count, which increments with each iteration of the while loop (we want it to be less than 5 because $post_count will initially be 0 (null)). The loop will halt at post #5, and start at post #6 in your second loop:
while( $posts_query->have_posts() ) :
When placing the second loop in a different template (say sidebar.php), it’s possible the $posts_query object won’t carry over to it. In that case, scope it to global before assigning it:
global $posts_query;
$posts_query = new WP_Query('showposts=14');
Then do the same before the second loop:
global $posts_query;
while( $posts_query->have_posts() ) :