• Hi. Not sure what happened when I attempted to upgrade last night. I followed the tamba2.org instructions to the letter with no variation. Then I ran the upgrade.php, received the “You’re all done!” type message, and when I surfed to the blog I got a blank page with “No input file specified”. Everything was gone. I had to go back to my 1.2.2 installation and restore my database to get my blog back. Any clue what happened?

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  • By “everything was gone”, you mean your database was wiped out? Deleting all you posts?

    Similar problem here. I backed up my blog directory, backed up the mysql db. I deleted all files on my server except wp-config.php and the wp-content folder and re-uploaded the new ones. I got a screen saying something like ‘congrats – there is only one thing to do – click here and go have fun’ and when I did, I was forwarded to my blog, which was completely blank! ??

    I do not have any plugins active, so I left that alone. I cannot locate my htaccess file anywhere on my server – where is it? Could that be the problem?

    For now, I just re-installed my backed up files and everything is back how it should be (v1.o).

    Any ideas? I am a bit nervous to try the upgrade again, but really looking forward to all of the features, especially the comment upgrades. I had to turn my comments completely off due to online poker and viagra spams…

    To both posters: Did you upload the new themes directories ?

    The new index point to another file, and that points at a theme index – no index there and it will fail silently with a blank page.

    If you can get into #wordpress on irc.freenode.net I’ll step through the upgrade with you if you want ?

    No one has explicitly answer my question.

    Did the upgrade process delete the database content (the tables, posts, etc)? Because if it did, it’s seriously need to be resolved.

    Or did it just corrupt the database?

    Uhhhh Yes, clicking deeper, I see that I did upload the themes directory! (I just grabbed everything new and uploaded it into my almost-empty directory).

    Is there an easy fix for this? Or do I just not upload that directory? I am not sure how to log into irc.


    [sorry alphaoide – I didn’t mean to hijack your thread – just thought we had a similar problem]

    If my directions were followed, I would be amazed if the db had been affected – it was very well tested and read over by numerous people before it saw the light of the web.

    Fireflybeads – did you follow exactly the guide at tamba2 ? If you can rewind to when it was working, it’s doable to redo the upgrade.

    Moderator James Huff


    If you’re coming from v1.0, you need to make a new wp-config file using the wp-config-sample.php file included with the v1.5 download.

    Missed that …… ideally go to 1.2.2, then 1.5

    FirefyBeads, no, I don’t have the same issue. I just want to examine your issue, and the original poster. You two gave impression that the upgrade process delete the database? Is it? The question is

    Did the upgrade process delete the database content (the tables, posts, etc)? Because if it did, it’s seriously need to be resolved.

    Or did it just corrupt the database?

    Can you confirm by going to phpmyadmin?

    Podz – I followed the instructions here:

    My blog is completely restored – I just reuploaded my backed up files, so all is OK now, running my original version. (whew)

    macmanx – I just checked my cp – I am using V1.2.1. So… should I keep my wp-config file, or make a new one using the install.php page?

    Thanks again.


    That’s the place to be ??

    OK thanks. My phpadmin guru just went offline (in Australia), so I will wait until I have some hand-holding before messing with it again. Too scary to see that blank page again. LOL

    Thanks again for the help.

    Thread Starter sylday


    I used the tamba2 instructions to the letter, no variation. My database was not wiped out, it simply became non-functional.

    Moderator James Huff


    FireflyBeads, you can keep your current wp-config.php file, but go to https://www.tamba2.org.uk/wordpress/upgrade/ for upgrade instructions.

    sylday – if you can get to #irc, I can help you through and there are several other wp whizzes there too ?

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