For macmanx’s test I used a new 1.5.0 testblog, and the other 1.5.1 test blog I set up yesterday. They should both be accessible as soon as DNS propagates. Right now, both blogs have permalink structures that are the same, i.e., /%postname%/%category%/ . All test results have been recorded on the two sites with what I hope are descriptive entries. I was careful to save and publish the receiving post before the sending post in each respective test.
“1. Send a pingback from one post in v1.5.1 blog to another post in the same blog. Confirm that pingbacks do not work.”
Confirmed, pingbacks do not work. Ignoring that I already have determined it’s pingback receives that are the problem, then from macmanx’s test alone it is essentially unknown at this point whether the problem is with sending or receiving pingbacks.
“2. Set up a brand new v1.5.0 blog (hope you have a back up).”
Done, see URL above (I have a 1.5.0 zip download saved).
“3. Send a pingback from one post in v1.5.0 blog to another post in the same blog. Confirm that pingbacks do work.”
No confirmation, pingbacks don’t work This is where I wanted to bail on the test, but for purposes of mutual respect and cooperation, I will continue with the rest of macmanx’s test numbers.
“4. Send a pingback from one post in the v1.5.0 blog to another in the v1.5.1 blog. Confirm that pingbacks do work (they should by now).”
No confirmation, pingbacks don’t work.
“5. Send a pingback from one post in the v1.5.1 blog to another in the v1.5.0 blog. Confirm that pingbacks do work.”
No confirmation, pingbacks don’t work.
“6. Send a pingback from one post in v1.5.1 blog to another post in the same blog. Confirm that pingbacks do work.”
No confirmation, pingbacks still don’t work.
However, at least with the 1.5.1 blog, I should be able to make them work simply by disabling the permalink structure to none (Options > Permalinks > Structure = leave blank). I determined this last night with my other blog.
If I were to make that permalink change in both test blogs, the 1.5.1 blog should receive and send pingbacks. I believe this would also be true of the 1.5.0 blog if the test were performed with respect to trackbacks, but I don’t know whether pingbacks would work on it. I’ve already effected no customized permalinks with my main blog, which is now running 1.5.1, and have confirmed that trackbacks and pingbacks work properly, although not with macmanx’s specific, stepped procedure.
My thoughts are still as written above yesterday, namely, it’s something related to the use of customized permalinks creating the track- and ping-back issues.