• Hi Pascal,

    Is it possible to embed a .swf in the sidebar? If so, how do you achieve this please? Sorry if this is a really dumb question. I`ve read through the docs a few times and just can’t figure out if this is possible. Great for embedding flash in posts though… that’s easy enough.

    I’m thinking I`d have to create a new text-widget and input some pb-embedflash code into that with the location of the file I want to show in the widget???


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  • I’ll check if I can parse text-widgets to easily extend the plugin to widgets – or even maybe write my own widget. Thx for the hint!

    Comes with v1.5 rc5. You can then add a flash widget with several options (no [flash] tag needed).

    Hi, First thanks a lot for your work !

    Is it possible to get a code, to insert in core files (mean sidebar.php) and easiely change the adress of the flv in the admin panel ? That would be great for my “Featured Video” because i’m not friendly with Sidebar widget. Do you have any idea somehow i could do that ?

    Thank you

    You can use the following code to embed videos everywhere plugins are already loaded:
    echo pb_embedFlash_plugin('[flash medium=1]');
    “1” is the id of your medium.

    More information: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/187118?replies=6#post-798597

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