• Working on a new theme for my page and I cannot for the life of me get the custom page template menu to show up. Was this cut out of 2.5? If so.. why? Is there a way to trigger this manually other than using is_page() ?

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  • Do you mean a custom page template like the snarfer template defined on this page codex.www.ads-software.com/Pages ?

    If so then a page template tab will show up if you have a custom page in your theme’s folder, the option shows up after the Page Parent section and before Page Order, if it can’t find them it doesn’t show up.

    same issue here. I am correctly using:

    Template Name: Alt Page Template

    at the top of the template. Its named, “alt-page.php”. Its in my active themese folder. However, the template tab for selecting it does not appear.



    I’m having the same issue – v2.5

    im having the same problem with 2.7. for some reason the attribute template drop down just isnt there. for no reason. it seems to appear when you change your theme, but that doesnt help on a clients shop site which needs a template to show the cart.

    Yep, changing the theme is the fix for now. It’s clearly a bug.

    Just reactivate your current theme and the drop down should come back.

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