• gulflee


    I had uploaded a Alex king Popularity Contest. when try to activate it error msg show:
    Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
    I had found a post from https://blog.evaria.com/ show a solution;

    Open popularity-contest.php and scroll down to line 59. Replace require(’../../wp-blog-header.php’); with require(’../wp-blog-header.php’);

    but not work; my wordpress is install in directory /public_html/wordpress/ will it be the prob?>

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  • giovanealex


    Mine was solved using this hint but my blog is installed on root – yours isn’t.

    Thread Starter gulflee


    it should be the right one coz my blog is ../wordpress/blog-header.php in the index.php in the root
    but …..



    Open popularity-contest.php and scroll down to line 59. Replace require(’../../wp-blog-header.php’); with require(’../wp-blog-header.php’);

    I just had this problem when upgrading to WP 2.5 with the Popularity Contest plugin. The fix above worked like a charm, in case anyone needs to know.



    I had this same problem, but found a slightly different fix. Like gulflee, my blog isn’t installed in the root directory, but in a sub called ‘blog’. So, I used the original code from line 59 of the popularity-contest.php, but added /blog/ into the path so it matches my setup. So, in my case I used:


    …worked like a charm.



    My blog is also installed at ~/blog and I have tried every combination of ./blog ../blog ../../blog ../ ../../ etc and I still get a fatal error. Is there a log somewhere to help me debug this?

    I am using Popularity Contest for the first time, and I just upgraded to 2.5.





    thanks! now pop contest work like a charm!



    I tried this suggestion, but found that the required table can not be created when you try to activate the Popularity Contest plugin AFTER installing WP 2.5. Anybody have ideas on how to resolve this issue please?



    I think that was my mistake too.

    I thought it would be safer to upgrade then install. Turns out I was wrong ??

    I’m running into the same issue. I upgraded to WP 2.5, installed the plug-in nd now changed that code but it can’t write to the table. ARG! Help please?

    I am in that same boat, the required table cannot be created even though I changed the code. If no help arrives soon I think I may drown.

    The message I get is:

    Table 'MYSQL_TABLE NAME.wp_ak_popularity_options' doesn't exist on line: 124

    Can anyone solve this?

    @binni and everybody:

    Here’s a patched version that I’ve found when searching:
    That file has just been modified to include the change that is in the first post by gulflee in this thread:
    Open popularity-contest.php and scroll down to line 59. Replace require(’../../wp-blog-header.php’); with require(’../wp-blog-header.php’);

    It probably work if you just upload and activate it.

    If not, if you get the same error message as Binni: “Table ‘MYSQL_TABLE NAME.wp_ak_popularity_options’ doesn’t exist on line: 124”

    there are MySQL info in the address above that you add thru php myadmin. If you need a free MySQL client here’s SQL Front https://www.sql-front.com/download.html

    Good luck,
    and please reply if it’s work. I have to ask my Host for write permissions in php myadmin tomorrow to be able to create new tables.

    Good news. I managed to login to myphp admin directly thru the control panel of my Host, created those two tables, 12 fields in the first table, two fields in the second table, and now it works like a charm! I’m out on deep water here because I didn’t know what php myadmin was until tonight.


    How do I put this line into phpMYadmin?

    KEY post_id (post_id)

    I have the rest…

    Problem solved (for me). Thanks to you, matsrehn.

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