• I can’t seem to get my previous entries link to go passed page 3. I don’t understand if the problem is with my ability to archive pages, my query posts bit, or something else? Any help would be appreciated.

    My query code on the index looks like this:

    <?php if (have_posts()) : ?>
    <?php query_posts("showposts=5&paged=$paged"); ?>
    <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

    This is the page in question, the main page: https://www.earection.com

    You can check it out at the bottom, when you click on ‘previous’ entries’. It goes to page 2 just fine, but anything passed that gives me a 404.

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  • Welcome to the club. There is at least one other thread that is already discussing it. It was on Page 3 as well, But I do not find that exact post again. The sourcecode it provided was quite the same.

    Anway, this thread might reveal more usefull Information for you: ‘Previous entries’ gives 404.

    Found the Post again, I was looking for: [resolved] Unable to navigate to 3rd page


    I kinda solved this issue. Check the the link hakre posted.


    Hey all, not sure if anyone here has found a resolution to this, but I’m just wading into this problem myself.

    My situation is the following:

    • I’m developing a blog with a static front page
    • I’m using a custom query to generate my posts, and am using a custom showposts value
    • I’m using a custom permalink structure (/%category%/%postname%)
    • the showposts value is different from my settings under reading in the admin panel (since I need to have lists of posts that differ in length on seperate pages)

    The first page of pagination works fine (/page/2), but anything past that ( /page/3, /page/4, etc.) gives me a 404.

    Any ideas? This is making me tear my hair out…!!!

    note: I checked the link that hakre posted – seems like that fix doesn’t work ?? The behavior doesn’t change at all for me.


    THIS, however, is working so far ??



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