Just realised the previous instructions don’t seem to make much sense:
deactivate cform, activate wp-table then reactivate wp-table
1. De-activate cform
2. Activate wp-table
3. Re-activate wp-table (???!?????)
Are people simply just de-activating then re-activating wp-table twice??
Anyway, just an update on the code. I’ve re-read my previous post about the edit, and found that perhaps it was a bit misleading since I literally copy-pasted from the comment for Embed Video.
I reproduced the ‘fatal error’ error on my 2.5.1 local install, and found it could be resolved by adding an edited version of the previous code. IE.
Find Line 344 in wp-table.php which should be:
and add before it:
if( !class_exists('buttonsnap') )
so you end up with:
// ButtonSnap needs to be loaded outside the class in order to work right
if( !class_exists('buttonsnap') )
Hope this helps ??