• I love these little widgets, and I’m good with following directions, but if the directions miss a step, or simply omit to tell a potential user exactly what to do, then I get stuck.

    Do you know how to use this ContentBox? The link is here: https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/contentboxes/other_notes/

    I’ve read the directions (four times) and I put in the code of getcontentboxes() and wp_get_contentboxes(). I’ve even copied some of the plugin text within the plugin editor to no avail.

    I’ve already made a post and added it to the “contentbox” and I’m trying to put the code into a static page to get all assigned posts.

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  • I second that, I tried to get it working but to no avail. I also visited the author’s site and there’s no mention of it (it’s in German which I could have translated using an online translator).

    Thread Starter brena7


    It’s a good thing that my husband speaks German, so I made him email the author.

    The author stated something about this code, which my husband translated to me: the code needs to be added/changed into the php code, not the post:

    <?php wp_get_contentboxes('','',TRUE); ?>

    Then my next question was, where exactly do I put this code, beginning, middle or end–or simply replace it with something that is already there?

    Anyway, the author stated that he would write a tutorial over the weekend.

    Based on the installation notes, looks like you could put it in your theme’s sidebar.php file.

    Stepping Into Templates
    Editing Files
    Template Hierarchy

    Thanks Brenna, I might give it another go, the instructions are not very clear but I’ll give it my best try. Ralf Hortt, the author, is also the author of WP_Disclaimer (which I use), Confirm User Registration and WP-Adminprotection. The thing is, it’s difficult to get good understandable documentation for his plugins.


    Nope, guess I’ll wait for Ralf to publish instructions… I inserted the code in the sidebar but still didn’t work (where in the sidebar should it be inserted would be nice to know).


    Hi Everyone ??
    sorry for the confusions…
    I’m got my final exams in two weeks thats why I don’t have that much time atm for WordPress related stuff.

    I rewrite the instructions for all of my plugins in the following weeks, also I’m gonna fix my blog and add english posts for my plugins. My english is crap, but I hope you understand most of it.

    greets Ralf

    Thanks Ralf,

    Those are good news.

    Good luck with the exams.


    Hi everyone I got some spare minutes so here is a short description:
    – Put the plugin in the plugin folder an activate it.
    – put <?php wp_get_contentboxes() ?> in your Sidebar
    – Write a new post ie. Title=”Contentbox” Title Content=”Contentbox Content” and check the Contentbox Category.
    – Go to any page or post scroll down to the advanced post settings.
    – Check the post and save this page
    – Go to the static page

    Now you see that the post you wrote is attached to the page. This is meant to be used for CMS pages ie. Contact information or anything else you might want to need. Here is an example ‘h**p://***.vgs-online.de/’ at the right is a contentbox ‘Liniennetz’.


    Want support or anything? Feel free to give me a shout via my blog https://www.horttcore.de or IRC #wordpress my nick is Horttcore|DE.



    I regret to admit that I don’t understand. I have created a post in the contentbox category.

    I have hardcoded the following code before the final </div> into the sidebar.

    • <?php wp_get_contentboxes() ?>

    I still don’t understand what is advanced post settings…
    is it “custom fields”

    I am stumped. i don’t speak/write/read German… Did anyone English speaker manage to use this plugin successfully?

    I would appreciate a little help… please?

    From what I understand of the conversations on the author’s blog, there is currently a problem with the current version of WordPress; for some reason, it works fine in 2.7, but breaks in 2.7.1.

    No word from the author as to when (and if) it will be fixed, though.

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