• The sound files on my site have suddenly deteriorated. They now sound like they’ve been over-compressed – there’s a kind of buzzing sound at the top end which isn’t there in my original mp3 files and wasn’t there on the files on the website until recently. Any ideas what could cause this?

    The files are very carefully compressed using Pro Tools, so i know that distortion (which you can only hear if you listen carefully on good speakers) is not on my files.

    I was going to do a test by uploading a fresh mp3 file to replace one of the ones on the site, but I’m unable to log in via ftp at the moment (see my other forum issue!).

    Thanks – i’m puzzled.


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  • I just tried your site in IE7 and Firefox2. The audio-player seemed to work well in IE7 (I played several different audio files and I did not experience anything strange). The files would not play at all in Firefox2. The player seemed to be in perpetual buffer mode. I have been using the same audio-player plugin for some time with no issues as of yet. Is it possible that the audio-player.js and your coolplayer.js are causing a conflict of some sort? I really don’t know if that is possible, but it’s just a thought.

    Thread Starter wynne


    Thanks for listening. Did you listen on good speakers in a good listening environment? I’m hearing a definite compression-type buzzing on the sounds which is not there on my original mp3s. It’s not glaringly obvious, but i’m a sound artist, so it’s important to me that the sound is as good as I can make it. I suppose it’s possible that this is just an artifact of the internet that I’ve never noticed before, but I’m pretty sure I’ve listened this closely before and not noticed a degradation of the sound when played from the site as compared to the sound of the actual files.

    I wasn’t aware of an issue with Firefox 2 – I’ve just tested it myself and it seems to work ok, though i have to click twice on the play button instead of just once as in Safari.

    Not sure what you mean by suggesting a conflict with coolplayer.js. If I’m not using any other player, should i just remove the coolplayer plugin or is that required, too?

    theres nothing wrong with those mp3s for me either.

    Yes, I used good speakers: Sony SRS-D2K …

    and fwiw, they played just fine for me in FF

    I use the same exact plugin you are using on my own site, and have since what seems like forever. There isnt any issue with that plugin and FF, none, whatsoever.

    Thread Starter wynne


    Hmmm. Thanks to you for listening, too. I’m gonna wait until my ftp access is restored and try uploading a new one to see if it also sounds worse online than it does from my desktop. And I’ll listen from another computer through a different internet connection when i get a chance. There’s definitely something happening to what i’m hearing that’s not happening on the original files. But it is quite subtle, and I don’t mean to insult your listening acuity, but maybe if you listen to online sound most of the time you might not notice the artifacts i’m talking about…?

    Thanks also for the confirmation about FF.

    Thread Starter wynne


    Problem solved thanks to someone on the Audio Player forum who suggested i try replacing the plug-in with a fresh copy. sound quality back! thanks again to those who responded.

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