• I updated to 2.6 on a dev site and now permalinks and category links are broken.

    My permalinks have been in the format of: https://host/wp/index.php/2008/05/post-title/

    Categories are like so: https://host/wp/index.php/category/category-name/

    Now both return the 404 page.

    The main page of the site and the control panel and things all seem to work fine.

    The wp/.htaccess is the same on both the dev site (2.6 and broken) and the live site (2.5 and working). I’ve read other posts about setting the permissions on .htaccess and letting WP write a new one. I set it to 777, but WP doesn’t modify the file. (And it didn’t in 2.5 either.)

    Honestly I’d rather drop the index.php from the links anyway, but I was never able to get that to work.

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  • Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    On the Settings->Permalinks screen, try setting a category and tag base value. Just have the words “category” and “tag” in there.

    See if that helps.

    Thread Starter endquote


    Yeah that fixed it. Nice. Though I don’t really understand why?

    Bonus points if you can tell me how to get rid of the index.php in the link. I struggled with that for a while but gave up eventually.

    Currently if I just remove “index.php” from the browser location, I get the server 404 (not the WP one).

    Currently the /wp/.htaccess is:

    #RewriteEngine On
    #RewriteRule ^/wp/(.*)$ /wp/index.php?$1 [L]

    Nothing changes if I uncomment those lines. Changing permalink settings doesn’t update the htaccess file, though WP should be able to write to it.

    Thanks for your help.

    Otto42, thanks, it helped for me too, phu!

    My very best!


    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    endquote: If WordPress can’t update the .htaccess file, then it will give you the correct lines to put in it at the bottom of the screen when you update the permalink settings.

    Otto,(or ANYONE) at the risk of sounding really retarded, when you said change the permalink setting to just “category” and “tag”. Were you talking about creating a custom stucture :/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/ and changing the variables to category and tag or to just type that in in the category base and tag base. Sorry to sound so simple, but I’ve been screwing around with this all day, my brain is fried.

    As of right now non of my permalinks work and I’m not sure how this fix actin would work for the calender links

    I changed the base values to category and tag, it didn’t work for me

    Firefox gives me an error saying this page isn’t redirected properly.

    Nevermind, I just changed them to default and they’re working now

    I had the 404 permalink problem only with pages, posts worked fine. Tried the “category and tag” trick, didn’t work. Then I deactivated all plugins, updated the permalinks and reactivated all of the plugins – and then, all of a sudden, it worked… ???

    @kittycleopatra, just leave your normal permalink option enabled, and put the word category in the category base value box, and tag in the tag base value box..

    It should all work as usual.

    Unfortunately, this setting category and tag as the base in the permalink settings did not work. We made a mega leap from 2.1.x to 2.6. Probably a bad move, and if worst comes to it, I can roll back and micro step. However, since some people have this same problem going from 2.5 to 2.6, I’ll be patient and hope for some other suggestions.

    Also, in manage -> categories, I see blank rows (5) with blank category names, but each row has at least 10 posts in that category. When I manage -> posts, the blank categories are still blank with the checkbox. Looking at the database, all entries in wp_posts has post category = 0.

    SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_category != 0
    –> 0 results returned

    SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_category = 0
    –> 119 results returned


    this post got me back on track. categories have returned and the people rejoiced.

    Otto42: thank you SO MUCH!

    My husband hosts his site from here at home (Windows/Apache/Server 2K3) and after upgrading his site to 2.6, he started having this problem as well.

    I ran across your post on another thread pointing to here, implemented your suggestion, and now his site is all happy happy! ??

    As a reward, he’s taking me to my favorite restaurant this weekend. *huge grins!* ??

    So thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! ??

    Go Otto42, go! Worked for me on IIS at CrystalTech hosting.

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