I’ve got the same problem but I haven’t upgraded anything. I have auto-upgrade installed on my blog at https://uberscifigeek.com. (redirect from https://ravenkai.com/geek) It’s been running without problems since the last upgrade. I’ve not installed anything or turned on any plugins recently but my hosting service, Yahoo, went down for a time yesterday and I lost my blog and forum. When it came back online a couple hours later, everything seemed fine. I got onto the blog to post a new article. I pressed ‘preview’ and as I read the preview in a new window, found a typo. I went back to the entry, made the change and clicked ‘save’. I switched back over to the ‘preview’ and continued to read. When I closed it and went back to the edit window, I had the ‘famous 5 minute install’ page instead of my blog.
I used ftp to grab a copy of my directory and then ran the install. I get hundreds of errors but the most frequent one is “WordPress database error: [File ‘./geek/wp_options.MYD’ not found (Errcode: 13)]”
I’ve found very little mentioned about it in websearches.
When I go into phpMyAdmin, I get the ‘in use’ status and error code.
No one seems to have any recommendation except for this quickie repair https://paulstamatiou.com/2006/05/31/how-to-quickie-repair-mysql-tables-in-phpmyadmin but it returns the same error message.
Any help would be great. Please!