• I created a Carousel and it works fine – CSS ID 1117 (changes didn’t work though), i then created a 2nd Carousel – CSS ID 1185 but that one wont appear on the page unless i change the CSS ID to the same ID as the 1st Carousel (1117), but then i cant change the css for that one only.

    When i check the code i can see the js code (below) but it is repeated on the page 5 times but all 5 repeats of the code reference CSS ID 1117 so it isn’t adding a js call for the 1185 Carousel.

    I’m also guessing that when i make an edit to a Carousel it is adding another js code as below instead of updating it.

    Where are the js scripts stored? i couldn’t find them in the database or in the plugin folder.

    jQuery(“#carousel-1117”).owlCarousel({ “loop”:true, “autoplay” : false, “autoplayTimeout” : 7000, “smartSpeed” : 400, “fluidSpeed” : 400, “autoplaySpeed” : 400, “navSpeed” : 400, “dotsSpeed” : 400, “margin”: 10, “autoplayHoverPause” : true, “center” : false, “responsiveRefreshRate” : 200, “slideBy” : 1, “mergeFit” : true, “lazyLoad” : false, “mouseDrag” : true, “touchDrag” : true, “nav” : true, “navText” : [‘<’,’>’], “dots” : false, “responsive”:{ 0:{items:2}, 480:{items:2}, 768:{items:2}, 991:{items:3}, 1200:{items:4}, 1500:{items:5}, }, });

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