• Updated to 2.1 since we received a shipping rates error on all printify products “ERROR: Product not configured: 71392”

    After the update we are still receiving the same error, please advise.

    **Customers are still able to checkout but are not charged for shipping**

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  • Hi @gotsnow ,
    Thanks for your message.
    I would like to have more details regarding your plugin setup to be sure we can investigate this issue.
    1. Where exactly this error occurs?
    2. Can you disable Printify shipping method and check if the error still occurs?
    3. Are you using any other Shipping rates calculators?

    Thank you for your help.

    Thread Starter gotsnow


    1. In the cart shipping calculator, and it was being created by another shipping rate calc which is now disabled, disabling the other shipping rate calc removed the error but Printify products are still not calculating rates.

    2. The new problem is that I am unable to override the standard woocommerce rates. I have tried with Printify Shipping enabled and disabled but have yet to see it actually calculate rates for Printify products.

    When I select “Override standard WooCommerce shipping rates” it has no effect, in the cart calculator it displays the shipping options from the shipping zone for the standard woocommerce rates.

    I have standard shipping zones with shipping methods for products not fulfilled by Printify, furthermore all of this worked flawlessly in the past.

    Thank you for your response.
    There is maybe an issue with the product SKU.
    Can you send me an email to francois/at/printify/com more information to investigate:
    + your email address linked to your Printify account
    + the products impacted by this issue

    I will investigate and get back to you as soon as possible.
    Thank you

    Thread Starter gotsnow


    @francoify I have emailed you the requested information.

    I am also seeing this error repeatedly in the error log, another user has mentioned it as well in a recent post.

    [19-Mar-2020 13:23:15 UTC] PHP Warning: file_get_contents(https://api-prod.printify.com/v1/callbacks/woo/shipping?version=2.1): failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home/***/public_html/wp-content/plugins/printify-for-woocommerce/includes/printify-shipping-api.php on line 27

    Thanks for your email and the comment here.
    The issue has been fixed in the 2.2 version.
    Please let me know if it works for you after upgrading tot he 2.2 version.

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