• Resolved getin2magic


    hy there,my monitoring plugin shows me 2 database errors. I dont know, how and where i have to fix it. can you please have a look on it and help me?

    SELECT *, (t_rate.price_from*(100-COALESCE(pmd.discount, 0))*(100+COALESCE(tm2.categories_add_taxes, 0)*COALESCE(tm3.categories_tax, 0)))/(100*100) AS discount_price_from
    FROM wp_posts posts
    INNER JOIN #every our post assigned to terms from categories and other taxonomies (
    SELECT object_id AS tr_object_id, term_taxonomy_id AS tr_term_taxonomy_id
    FROM wp_term_relationships ) tr
    ON posts.ID = tr.tr_object_id
    INNER JOIN #we need only our post type with categories (
    SELECT term_taxonomy_id AS ct_term_taxonomy_id, term_id AS ct_term_id
    FROM wp_term_taxonomy
    WHERE taxonomy = ‘categories’ ) ct
    ON ct.ct_term_taxonomy_id = tr.tr_term_taxonomy_id
    INNER JOIN #get category slug (
    SELECT slug AS category_slug, term_id AS ctt_term_id
    FROM wp_terms ) ctt
    ON ctt.ctt_term_id = ct.ct_term_id
    INNER JOIN # get rates (
    SELECT rate_id, booking_obj_id AS rate_booking_obj_id, rate_title, date_from AS rate_date_from, date_to AS rate_date_to, apply_days, start_days, min_booking_period, max_booking_period, price_from, price_general, prices_conditional, rate_order
    FROM wp_babe_rates
    WHERE ( date_to >= ‘2020-09-24 00:00’
    OR date_to IS NULL
    OR date_to = ” )
    AND ( date_from <= ‘2021-09-24 00:00’
    OR date_from IS NULL
    OR date_from = ” ) #
    GROUP BY rate_booking_obj_id
    ORDER BY rate_booking_obj_id ASC, rate_order ASC, price_from ASC, rate_date_from DESC, rate_date_to DESC
    LIMIT 10000 ) t_rate
    ON posts.ID = t_rate.rate_booking_obj_id
    LEFT JOIN #add categories_booking_rule meta (
    SELECT meta_value AS categories_booking_rule, term_id AS tm_term_id
    FROM wp_termmeta
    WHERE meta_key = ‘categories_booking_rule’ ) tm
    ON ct.ct_term_id = tm.tm_term_id
    LEFT JOIN #add categories_add_taxes meta (
    SELECT CAST(meta_value AS UNSIGNED) AS categories_add_taxes, term_id AS tm2_term_id
    FROM wp_termmeta
    WHERE meta_key = ‘categories_add_taxes’ ) tm2
    ON ct.ct_term_id = tm2.tm2_term_id
    LEFT JOIN #add categories_tax meta (
    SELECT CAST(meta_value AS UNSIGNED) AS categories_tax, term_id AS tm3_term_id
    FROM wp_termmeta
    WHERE meta_key = ‘categories_tax’ ) tm3
    ON ct.ct_term_id = tm3.tm3_term_id
    LEFT JOIN #get rating (
    SELECT CAST(meta_value AS DECIMAL(3,2)) AS rating, post_id AS pmr_post_id
    FROM wp_postmeta
    WHERE meta_key = ‘_rating’ ) pmr
    ON posts.ID = pmr.pmr_post_id
    LEFT JOIN #get discount (
    SELECT discount, date_from AS discount_date_from, date_to AS discount_date_to, booking_obj_id AS discount_obj_id
    FROM wp_babe_discount
    WHERE date_from <= ‘2020-09-24 02:58:07’
    AND date_to >= ‘2020-09-24 02:58:07’ ) pmd
    ON posts.ID = pmd.discount_obj_id
    LEFT JOIN # get rule (
    SELECT *
    FROM wp_babe_booking_rules ) rules
    ON rules.rule_id = tm.categories_booking_rule
    LEFT JOIN #get items number (
    SELECT GREATEST(CAST(COALESCE(meta_value, 1) AS DECIMAL), 1) AS items_number, post_id AS pmt_post_id, meta_key AS pmt_meta_key
    FROM wp_postmeta ) pmt
    ON posts.ID = pmt.pmt_post_id
    AND pmt.pmt_meta_key = CONCAT(‘items_number_’, ctt.category_slug)
    INNER JOIN #get max guests (
    SELECT CAST(meta_value AS DECIMAL) AS guests, post_id AS pm_post_id
    FROM wp_postmeta
    WHERE meta_key = ‘guests’ ) pm
    ON posts.ID = pm.pm_post_id
    AND pm.guests >= 0
    INNER JOIN # get av cal (
    SELECT booking_obj_id AS obj_id
    FROM wp_babe_av_cal
    WHERE in_schedule=1
    AND date_from >= ‘2020-09-24 00:00’
    AND date_from <= ‘2021-09-24 00:00’
    GROUP BY booking_obj_id ) av_cal
    ON av_cal.obj_id = posts.ID
    LEFT JOIN # get av cal ex (
    SELECT booking_obj_id AS ex_obj_id, date_from AS av_date_from, MAX(guests) AS ex_guests_present
    FROM wp_babe_av_cal
    WHERE in_schedule=1
    GROUP BY booking_obj_id ) av_cal_ex
    ON av_cal_ex.ex_obj_id = posts.ID
    AND ( rules.booking_mode = ‘object’
    AND av_cal_ex.ex_guests_present > (pm.guests*pmt.items_number – 0 )
    OR rules.booking_mode != ‘object’
    AND av_cal_ex.ex_guests_present > (pm.guests – 0 ) )
    AND rules.basic_booking_period != ‘recurrent_custom’
    AND rules.basic_booking_period != ‘night’
    AND av_cal_ex.av_date_from >= DATE_SUB(‘2020-09-24 00:00:00’, INTERVAL rules.hold HOUR)
    AND av_cal_ex.av_date_from <= DATE_ADD(‘2021-09-24 00:00:00’, INTERVAL rules.hold HOUR)
    LEFT JOIN # get av cal ex2 (
    SELECT booking_obj_id AS ex2_obj_id, MAX(guests) AS ex2_guests_present
    FROM wp_babe_av_cal
    WHERE in_schedule=1
    AND date_from >= ‘2020-09-24 00:00’
    AND date_from < ‘2021-09-24 00:00’
    GROUP BY booking_obj_id ) av_cal_ex2
    ON av_cal_ex2.ex2_obj_id = posts.ID
    AND ( rules.booking_mode = ‘object’
    AND av_cal_ex2.ex2_guests_present > (pm.guests*pmt.items_number – 0 )
    OR rules.booking_mode != ‘object’
    AND av_cal_ex2.ex2_guests_present > (pm.guests – 0 ) )
    AND rules.basic_booking_period = ‘night’
    LEFT JOIN # get av cal ex3 for recurrent_custom (
    SELECT booking_obj_id AS ex3_obj_id, MIN(guests) AS ex3_guests_present
    FROM wp_babe_av_cal
    WHERE in_schedule=1
    AND date_from >= ‘2020-09-24 00:00:00’
    AND date_from <= ‘2021-09-24 00:00:00’
    GROUP BY booking_obj_id ) av_cal_ex3
    ON av_cal_ex3.ex3_obj_id = posts.ID
    AND av_cal_ex3.ex3_guests_present > (pm.guests – 0 )
    AND rules.basic_booking_period = ‘recurrent_custom’
    WHERE ( (posts.post_status = ‘publish’
    AND posts.post_type = ‘to_book’)
    AND av_cal_ex.ex_obj_id IS NULL
    AND av_cal_ex2.ex2_obj_id IS NULL
    AND av_cal_ex3.ex3_obj_id IS NULL )
    GROUP BY posts.ID
    ORDER BY discount_price_from ASC –
    Plugin: ba-book-everything Incorrect DATETIME value: ” 1525
    SELECT COUNT(discount_price_from) AS total_count
    FROM (SELECT *, (t_rate.price_from*(100-COALESCE(pmd.discount, 0))*(100+COALESCE(tm2.categories_add_taxes, 0)*COALESCE(tm3.categories_tax, 0)))/(100*100) AS discount_price_from
    FROM wp_posts posts
    INNER JOIN #every our post assigned to terms from categories and other taxonomies (
    SELECT object_id AS tr_object_id, term_taxonomy_id AS tr_term_taxonomy_id
    FROM wp_term_relationships ) tr
    ON posts.ID = tr.tr_object_id
    INNER JOIN #we need only our post type with categories (
    SELECT term_taxonomy_id AS ct_term_taxonomy_id, term_id AS ct_term_id
    FROM wp_term_taxonomy
    WHERE taxonomy = ‘categories’ ) ct
    ON ct.ct_term_taxonomy_id = tr.tr_term_taxonomy_id
    INNER JOIN #get category slug (
    SELECT slug AS category_slug, term_id AS ctt_term_id
    FROM wp_terms ) ctt
    ON ctt.ctt_term_id = ct.ct_term_id
    INNER JOIN # get rates (
    SELECT rate_id, booking_obj_id AS rate_booking_obj_id, rate_title, date_from AS rate_date_from, date_to AS rate_date_to, apply_days, start_days, min_booking_period, max_booking_period, price_from, price_general, prices_conditional, rate_order
    FROM wp_babe_rates
    WHERE ( date_to >= ‘2020-09-24 00:00’
    OR date_to IS NULL
    OR date_to = ” )
    AND ( date_from <= ‘2021-09-24 00:00’
    OR date_from IS NULL
    OR date_from = ” ) #
    GROUP BY rate_booking_obj_id
    ORDER BY rate_booking_obj_id ASC, rate_order ASC, price_from ASC, rate_date_from DESC, rate_date_to DESC
    LIMIT 10000 ) t_rate
    ON posts.ID = t_rate.rate_booking_obj_id
    LEFT JOIN #add categories_booking_rule meta (
    SELECT meta_value AS categories_booking_rule, term_id AS tm_term_id
    FROM wp_termmeta
    WHERE meta_key = ‘categories_booking_rule’ ) tm
    ON ct.ct_term_id = tm.tm_term_id
    LEFT JOIN #add categories_add_taxes meta (
    SELECT CAST(meta_value AS UNSIGNED) AS categories_add_taxes, term_id AS tm2_term_id
    FROM wp_termmeta
    WHERE meta_key = ‘categories_add_taxes’ ) tm2
    ON ct.ct_term_id = tm2.tm2_term_id
    LEFT JOIN #add categories_tax meta (
    SELECT CAST(meta_value AS UNSIGNED) AS categories_tax, term_id AS tm3_term_id
    FROM wp_termmeta
    WHERE meta_key = ‘categories_tax’ ) tm3
    ON ct.ct_term_id = tm3.tm3_term_id
    LEFT JOIN #get rating (
    SELECT CAST(meta_value AS DECIMAL(3,2)) AS rating, post_id AS pmr_post_id
    FROM wp_postmeta
    WHERE meta_key = ‘_rating’ ) pmr
    ON posts.ID = pmr.pmr_post_id
    LEFT JOIN #get discount (
    SELECT discount, date_from AS discount_date_from, date_to AS discount_date_to, booking_obj_id AS discount_obj_id
    FROM wp_babe_discount
    WHERE date_from <= ‘2020-09-24 02:58:07’
    AND date_to >= ‘2020-09-24 02:58:07’ ) pmd
    ON posts.ID = pmd.discount_obj_id
    LEFT JOIN # get rule (
    SELECT *
    FROM wp_babe_booking_rules ) rules
    ON rules.rule_id = tm.categories_booking_rule
    LEFT JOIN #get items number (
    SELECT GREATEST(CAST(COALESCE(meta_value, 1) AS DECIMAL), 1) AS items_number, post_id AS pmt_post_id, meta_key AS pmt_meta_key
    FROM wp_postmeta ) pmt
    ON posts.ID = pmt.pmt_post_id
    AND pmt.pmt_meta_key = CONCAT(‘items_number_’, ctt.category_slug)
    INNER JOIN #get max guests (
    SELECT CAST(meta_value AS DECIMAL) AS guests, post_id AS pm_post_id
    FROM wp_postmeta
    WHERE meta_key = ‘guests’ ) pm
    ON posts.ID = pm.pm_post_id
    AND pm.guests >= 0
    INNER JOIN # get av cal (
    SELECT booking_obj_id AS obj_id
    FROM wp_babe_av_cal
    WHERE in_schedule=1
    AND date_from >= ‘2020-09-24 00:00’
    AND date_from <= ‘2021-09-24 00:00’
    GROUP BY booking_obj_id ) av_cal
    ON av_cal.obj_id = posts.ID
    LEFT JOIN # get av cal ex (
    SELECT booking_obj_id AS ex_obj_id, date_from AS av_date_from, MAX(guests) AS ex_guests_present
    FROM wp_babe_av_cal
    WHERE in_schedule=1
    GROUP BY booking_obj_id ) av_cal_ex
    ON av_cal_ex.ex_obj_id = posts.ID
    AND ( rules.booking_mode = ‘object’
    AND av_cal_ex.ex_guests_present > (pm.guests*pmt.items_number – 0 )
    OR rules.booking_mode != ‘object’
    AND av_cal_ex.ex_guests_present > (pm.guests – 0 ) )
    AND rules.basic_booking_period != ‘recurrent_custom’
    AND rules.basic_booking_period != ‘night’
    AND av_cal_ex.av_date_from >= DATE_SUB(‘2020-09-24 00:00:00’, INTERVAL rules.hold HOUR)
    AND av_cal_ex.av_date_from <= DATE_ADD(‘2021-09-24 00:00:00’, INTERVAL rules.hold HOUR)
    LEFT JOIN # get av cal ex2 (
    SELECT booking_obj_id AS ex2_obj_id, MAX(guests) AS ex2_guests_present
    FROM wp_babe_av_cal
    WHERE in_schedule=1
    AND date_from >= ‘2020-09-24 00:00’
    AND date_from < ‘2021-09-24 00:00’
    GROUP BY booking_obj_id ) av_cal_ex2
    ON av_cal_ex2.ex2_obj_id = posts.ID
    AND ( rules.booking_mode = ‘object’
    AND av_cal_ex2.ex2_guests_present > (pm.guests*pmt.items_number – 0 )
    OR rules.booking_mode != ‘object’
    AND av_cal_ex2.ex2_guests_present > (pm.guests – 0 ) )
    AND rules.basic_booking_period = ‘night’
    LEFT JOIN # get av cal ex3 for recurrent_custom (
    SELECT booking_obj_id AS ex3_obj_id, MIN(guests) AS ex3_guests_present
    FROM wp_babe_av_cal
    WHERE in_schedule=1
    AND date_from >= ‘2020-09-24 00:00:00’
    AND date_from <= ‘2021-09-24 00:00:00’
    GROUP BY booking_obj_id ) av_cal_ex3
    ON av_cal_ex3.ex3_obj_id = posts.ID
    AND av_cal_ex3.ex3_guests_present > (pm.guests – 0 )
    AND rules.basic_booking_period = ‘recurrent_custom’
    WHERE ( (posts.post_status = ‘publish’
    AND posts.post_type = ‘to_book’)
    AND av_cal_ex.ex_obj_id IS NULL
    AND av_cal_ex2.ex2_obj_id IS NULL
    AND av_cal_ex3.ex3_obj_id IS NULL )
    GROUP BY posts.ID ) AS a –
    Plugin: ba-book-everything Incorrect DATETIME value: ” 1525

    thanl you

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • Hello!
    Looks like you have an error in your query, because we use your methods to get booking objects BABE_Post_types::get_posts() with parameter array( ‘posts_per_page’ => – 1 ) and BABE_Post_types::get_post_price_from( $item[‘ID’] ); both of methods showing error: “Incorrect DATETIME value: ”” when we checking site with “Query Monitor”
    Check it ASAP, please.
    Best regards

    Plugin Author bookingalgorithms



    All found issues “incorrect datetime value when using MySQL 8” are fixed in BA Book Everything v. 1.3.22

    Thank you,

    Best Regards,
    Booking Algorithms team

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  • The topic ‘2 database errors’ is closed to new replies.