• Resolved Nathan Ingram


    Really nice work on this plugin! I love the concept, and it’s very easy to set up and use. 2 feature requests that would make this even better…

    1. Better integration with Gutenberg and/or Page Builders
    Being able to use one of these design tools to create beautiful emails would be great! I realize there is a Custom CSS tab that could be used to style columns and buttons, but it would be so much more user friendly if there was a way to pick up the CSS that Gutenberg or a page builder has already.

    2. Send Confirmation
    Having an “are you sure you want to send” confirmation before sending post as newsletter would be very helpful. I can see a lot of people accidentally sending their post before they’re ready. I did this one myself in testing (thankfully it was a Mailchimp segment that only included me).

    Thanks again for your great work here!

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  • Thanks for the kind words and feature requests, @nathaningram! Here are my replies:

    1. Better integration with Gutenberg and/or Page Builders
    We’re currently building a visual newsletter theme designer for this exact problem. ?? You can see a sneak preview of it here. Originally, we wanted to be able to “pick up” the CSS as you mentioned, but the problem is that there’s so much variation in class names and components, it would be tough to pick up the right code consistently for hundreds of thousands of themes, page builders and Gutenberg blocks.

    Instead, the newsletter theme designer will work independently of your blog theme and only show up in your emails.

    We’ll be launching this in 1-2 weeks time. Look out for it! ??

    2. Send Confirmation
    This is a good idea. Unfortunately, I can’t promise we’ll integrate this.

    The base premise of Newsletter Glue is that it makes emailing a post to subscribers as simple as checking a box.

    So I’m quite hesitant to add more friction to that experience. In addition, the Publish button itself already has a double confirmation.

    Having said that, I definitely understand where you’re coming from. I’ll try a few variations out, and if we do decide to implement it, you’ll be the first to know!

    Thread Starter Nathan Ingram


    Thanks for the quick response. Your plugin will be featured in my iThemes Plugin Roundup today.

    Thanks so much @nathaningram! That’s amazing! ??

    Btw, if you don’t mind… We’d really appreciate it if you took a minute to write a review for us on the plugin page. It’d really help us out.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Member Hero.
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