2 issues: formatting of description text w. link, delete EXIF output!
I’m using this plugin for years without issues, my recent problem arose when I installed WebP Express. Are you still updating this plugin? It has been a long time…
Problem 1: whenever I have a link in my image description (something I use for example to credit open source photos) the code brakes, resulting in a long section of it being displayed underneath the thumbnail. Yes, this is WebP Express stumbling with your code, not an issue if I use the Tiled Galleries without WebP Express. But it would be nice if there could be a fix for this! Otherwise I will have to remove one plugin, yours or WebP Express (I’d rather keep the latter). WebP basically creates a different output source code.
Please see my screen capture, where I marked the fault with a yellow box; underneath is the code of an image without a link inside the capture text.Issue 2: this is not really a problem as such, but it would be nice to have a change for this. I ‘save all images for web’ whereby all EXIF data is stripped. Yet your plugin displays these with “0” zero values anyhow. (Marked with a yellow underline in the same screen capture.) This results in longer code – that’s all! It would be nice to have a ‘Settings’ radio button to suppress all EXIf output inside the code. Cheers.
The error occurs, for example, on the linked page below – you have to scroll down to Harlech Castle.
I’m using the latest WP version 5.2.2 with the ‘Disable Gutenberg’ plugin.
All my plugins are up-to-date.
I’m currently on PHP 7.2, I might upgrade to 7.3 later this week.The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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