Now i can only choose the sidebar for all my pages and not just for the one on the productpage i want it to be on. – how to make the sidebar only for products pages – it’s a matter for your current theme.Depending on the selection of page templates in this theme. Read this please – https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/hide-sidebar-on-pages?replies=5
I can offer a solution to display products on different pages and how to display widgets only those pages:
1) In category pages use shortcode – [woof_products] which attribute : taxonomies=product_cat:X Where X id your product category.
2) In widgets use shortcode [woof] which attributes : * taxonomies=product_cat:X
tax_only – write taxonomies or products slug using comma
by_only – write any by-filter-elements there using comma: by_text,by_price,by_sku,by_author,by_insales,by_instock. Of course firstly user should enable extensions for that by-filter-elements
*- Do not forget set the same condition in [woof_products]
3) For show or hide widgets on different pages – https://www.woocommerce-filter.com/how-to-show-or-hide-widget-only-on-selected-site-pages/
You can read more about shortcodes – https://www.woocommerce-filter.com/documentation/#!/section_3_1