• Resolved teacdan


    first of all thanks a lot for your plugin
    It is great!!
    I am using your plugin only to generate the news sitemap, not the regular sitemap.
    The regular sitemap is disable.

    1, I am using hyper cache plugin, any suggestions on the settings regarding waht you say about news sitemap can’t be cached
    “The Google News sitemap is designed to NOT be cached.”

    2. Will the news sitemap be updated as soon as a post is published?
    and will that new post show intermediately on:
    and be submitted to google?

    thanks a lot!!


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  • 1. i recommend to use w3 total cache, is reliable and you can select the pages that will never be cached

    2. thats right!, but you have to be autorized by google news of course

    Thread Starter teacdan


    Thanks a lot!!
    You mean adding it here ( on W3)


    The Google News sitemap is designed to NOT be cached.

    Currently, the plugin sets the constant define(‘DONOTCACHEPAGE’, true) for Google News sitemap requests. This should disable caching in WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache (not sure though: the related info has been removed from the FAQs on https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/w3-total-cache/faq/ and I have not tested it recently) but I don’t know if Hyper Cache listens to the same constant… You’ll have to ask the Hyper Cache developer.

    Or maybe it has a similar option as W3TC as @alhalkab suggests.

    Will the news sitemap be updated as soon as a post is published?

    Unless you are looking at a cached version, the sitemap should change instantly. It is in fact a live feed, just like your regular RSS feeds…

    …and be submitted to google?

    Only the development version does pinging for Google News sitemaps. Go to https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/xml-sitemap-feed/developers/ and find it under Other Versions. Uninstall the current version from your website and use the development zip to install. You’ll have many new News Sitemap features so make sure you check the settings after reactivation. Also make sure that (at least) pinging to Google is switched on.

    If you have been accepted by Bing News, please let me know if they accept the same News sitemap format…

    Thread Starter teacdan


    very kind for your detailed answers!

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