• I’m running WP Network with 11.000 sites and I’m having some slow queries:

    —— Query #17 ——–
    SHOW TABLES LIKE ‘snwp_domain_mapping’
    Exec time: 7.427602, Total Exec time so far: 7.546117
    —— Query #18 ——–
    SHOW TABLES LIKE ‘snwp_domain_mapping_logins’
    Exec time: 7.353081, Total Exec time so far: 14.899198

    Does anybody have an idea what these queries do? all they return is their own table name….

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  • snwp_domain_mapping

    that would be a custom function from a custom or otherwise function. Those functions are not in the publicly available domain mapping plugin.

    Thread Starter Richard K


    Hi Andrea,
    These queries come directly from the domain mapping plugin:

    function maybe_create_db() {
    	global $wpdb;
    	get_dm_hash(); // initialise the remote login hash
    	$wpdb->dmtable = $wpdb->base_prefix . 'domain_mapping';
    	$wpdb->dmtablelogins = $wpdb->base_prefix . 'domain_mapping_logins';
    	if ( dm_site_admin() ) {
    		$created = 0;
    		if ( $wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$wpdb->dmtable}'") != $wpdb->dmtable ) {
    			$wpdb->query( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <code>{$wpdb->dmtable}</code> (
    				<code>id</code> bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    				<code>blog_id</code> bigint(20) NOT NULL,
    				<code>domain</code> varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    				<code>active</code> tinyint(4) default '1',
    				PRIMARY KEY  (<code>id</code>),
    				KEY <code>blog_id</code> (<code>blog_id</code>,<code>domain</code>,<code>active</code>)
    			);" );
    			$created = 1;
    		if ( $wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$wpdb->dmtablelogins}'") != $wpdb->dmtablelogins ) {
    			$wpdb->query( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <code>{$wpdb->dmtablelogins}</code> (
    				<code>id</code> varchar(32) NOT NULL,
    				<code>user_id</code> bigint(20) NOT NULL,
    				<code>blog_id</code> bigint(20) NOT NULL,
    				<code>t</code> timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
    				PRIMARY KEY  (<code>id</code>)
    			);" );
    			$created = 1;
    		if ( $created ) {
    			?> <div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong><?php _e( 'Domain mapping database table created.', 'wordpress-mu-domain-mapping' ) ?></strong></p></div> <?php

    So everytime somebody goes into the admin, it checks for these tables and creates if non existant… So far while testing these queries have taken up to 13 seconds each.
    The function is called from domain_mapping.php:48

    Isn’t this ridiculously ineffecient? Especially for large networks. We currently have 11.260 sites, with 18 tables per site.

    but the function in the error message is not in that code you pasted. nowhere in the domain mapping plugin do they prefix functions with snwp.

    you have custom code doing that.

    with 18 tables per site.

    the default is 8 or 9. what’s adding all those extra tables? Because it’s NOT the domain mapping plugin.

    Also, you have eleven thousand sites….. if you’re still on one database, of course it will be slow regardless.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    I think her WP prefix is snwp_ (instead of the normal wp_) which is where that’s from.

    $prefix_domain_mapping and $prefix_domain_mapping_logins are clearly from the plugin you’re using:

    $wpdb->dmtable = $wpdb->base_prefix . 'domain_mapping';
    	$wpdb->dmtablelogins = $wpdb->base_prefix . 'domain_mapping_logins';

    BUT. Did you activate this network wide or PER site?

    18 tables per site is not good either.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    18 tables is why I have a feeling it was activated per site ??

    Thread Starter Richard K


    @ipstenu; you are right about the prefix.

    “The plugin” is “The domain mapping plugin”, not some other random plugin.. And yes, the plugin is located under /wp-content/mu-plugins/, but I think that’s where it should be?

    The domainmapping plugin

    For 1 we are using NGG (3 tables) for all sites and we have some other tables with specific data per establishment.

    Everything runs perfectly smooth, except for these 2 queries. Although we might have to look at splitting up the databases at some stage.

    Thread Starter Richard K


    It is a bit ignorant to say that 18 tables per site is not good, as you do not know what these tables are for. I would love decrease the number of tables, but they are actually necessary for the content we have.

    What do you mean exactly by “I have a feeling it was activated per site”? The domainmapping table is a single table and the table is not there per site.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Richard K – It’s ignorant cause we don’t know what you’re doing. Can’t blame us for that one ??

    By DEFAULT you get 8 tables per site. You’ve got 10 extra and it’s VERY plausible that could cause issues. Because it means you have a lot of plugins goin’ on.

    Look at https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/shardb/ or https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/hyperdb/ to split up your DB. That may be a good start.

    Well i just toss out ignorant comments just because. not like I have any experience or anything…

    Like Ipstenu said – 18 tables is not good because it causes the kind of issues you ee here. you need to scale the db.

    Given the amount of experience I have both with larger install and domain mapping, that;s my educated guess here. Not some random one I toss out just to kill time.

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