• I tried using import from RSS, then I remembered that my rss doesnt have any comments in.

    I have exported from MT using the old method and created a text file. Then I imported using the new import from MT option in the 2.0 admin, but it only imported the posts and no comments. Ive checked the import textfile and the comments are there.

    Any suggestions? Thanks

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  • I tried importing an export file from MT and got the following error:


    Warning: file(c:myhostaccountdlaturewp/wp-content/uploads/2006/01/012906movable_theoblogical_6.txt): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in c:\myhostaccount\myname\wp\wp-admin\import\mt.php on line 78

    Warning: implode(): Bad arguments. in c:\myhostaccount\myname\wp\wp-admin\import\mt.php on line 79

    All done. Have fun!

    What am I doing wrong?

    (and yes, the error’s first line:

    file(c:myhostaccountmynamewp/wp-content/uploads/2006/01/012906movable_theoblogical_6.txt): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in c:\myhostaccount\myname\wp\wp-admin\import\mt.php on line 78

    omits the slash between myhostaccount and myname.)

    the same export file imports into 1.5.2 without error

    i’m having the exact same problem as dlature. (and, yes, my error ommited the slashes in the directory structure, too.)

    Any ideas on the previous two posts?

    Anybody? Is this problem ignored? If there’s going to be any chance of my moving from MT to WP, this HAS to work. Right now, it doesn’t.



    Same exact problem as the two persons before…



    Same problem… plz help us?



    I am having an altogehter different problem than you guys.

    When I run the import in 2.0 I get a ‘database error’ and a bunch of code I don’t understand.

    Something is happening to my database as each time I’ve tried running it, when I check my admin it says I have one more post in ‘uncategorized’ than I did the previous time, but I have no posts in that category. All the posts I’m trying to import are in that category – there’s about 1500, but it seems the whole lump of them are regsitering as one post in my new blog and I can’t see them anywhere other than the ‘manage categories’ screen.

    I’m going to keep scouring the forum here as I have been for a few days, but thought I’d put this up here in case anyone knows what’s up.



    For the problem that dlature and I were having, I found that I could edit the mt.php file and type in what the correct address should be with the /’s included… I’ll show the changes using dlature’s problem:


    changes to


    and that should be that.



    Where in that file did you do that? I’m not sure what variable represents what, or at least it is eluding me for the moment.



    Under “function get_entries()” This is what I changed “$importdata = file…” to :

    $importdata = file(“c:/Domains/joblog.co.za/wwwroot/wp-content/uploads/2006/02/import.txt”);

    I don’t know if everything will look ok when I post this but I hope you get the just… it is line 78 of mt.php.



    Not having much luck. I wish WordPress folks would fix this and make it work with the supplied form.



    Really? What error are you getting now?



    OK……tried it…and it worked (the fix from Liquid Speed)

    I still want to know when WordPress is going to fix it so I can use the form to upload the import.

    Thanks for the help, LS!

    i’m confused… instead of taking the file from our desktop using the form, you’re putting in a direct path?

    after weeks of struggle, i found a solution for those who can’t import your mt text file to your wordpress. pardon my english, i’m mexican.

    i wanted to import a blog from bitacorae (bitacoras.com) to wordpress 2.0.2, who used an export system similar to movable type. but when i used the import form first it got into issues with the time of upload of the file (maximum time exceeded, blah blah), and then, when i decided to cut the text file into pieces, the “bad arguments” and “implod” warning started (like in this thread). i was desperate because this fellow of mine has a big audience and we needed to migrate everything before july the 2nd, the day of presidential elections in mexico.

    so i found a script/newimport form from trac. at the bottom of the script there’s a download link. save it in your pc and rename it import-mt.php. upload it in your wp-admin directory.

    access it from your browser and follow instructions. you’ll have to upload your text file into wp-admin and edit just one single bit of the huge script so it locates the file in your server.

    it will recover your mt posts, your mt comments and your mt categories (minor issue on displaying categories on the blog, but they appear in the manage tab).

    original blog: https://goleech.bitacoras.com
    wordpress blog: https://goleech.enmonterrey.com

    i don’t know what’s with that script and why it’s not publicly available, but it worked for me and i’m almost crying, ha.

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