• I’ve been working with the new 2014 theme and Woocommerce. As many others have noted, the right hand “sidebar” can be a distraction while the customer is in the shop and checking out. This solution is for the “Content Sidebar” only, and not the Primary Sidebar (down the left side).

    In your admin menu, Appearance -> Editor
    Scroll down to the file sidebar-content.php

    In your window you’ll see this:

     * The Content Sidebar
     * @package WordPress
     * @subpackage Twenty_Fourteen
     * @since Twenty Fourteen 1.0
    if ( ! is_active_sidebar( 'sidebar-2' ) ) {
    <div id="content-sidebar" class="content-sidebar widget-area" role="complementary">
    	<?php dynamic_sidebar( 'sidebar-2' ); ?>
    </div><!-- #content-sidebar -->

    Just change it to this:

     * The Content Sidebar
     * @package WordPress
     * @subpackage Twenty_Fourteen
     * @since Twenty Fourteen 1.0
    if ( is_woocommerce( ) ) {
    <div id="content-sidebar" class="content-sidebar widget-area" role="complementary">
    	<?php dynamic_sidebar( 'sidebar-2' ); ?>
    </div><!-- #content-sidebar -->

    This will remove the Content Sidebar (right hand only) from the shop and product pages only. That’s because these pages are actually posts. Now you need to change the Cart, Checkout, My Account, and Logout. You can do this simply by editing the page itself and changing the template to “Full Width Page”. Personally, I left the Logout page alone.

    I’ve seen a lot of people asking about this, and many many different answers. This will work immediately, and it’s a very simple fix that takes only a minute. No need to build a Child Theme and go through all that for this simple change.

    I hope this helps you.


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  • I think your the guy that can help I want to take the “Content Sidebar” out of the content area and move it to the right side out of the content area altogether how do i do that if not how can I add a rightsidebar on the right side out of the content area?


    Thread Starter Sticky Pod


    @survival bill, you can use your CSS to simply move the content sidebar over to the right.

    Try this in your custom.css file:

    .content-area, .content-sidebar {
    margin-right: -50px;
    padding-top: 82px;

    This will move the entire content sidebar outside the main content area. It will push it over to the right. Just change the -50px above to the number you need, -100px, -120px, until the sidebar is sitting where you want it. The padding-top will move it up and down on the page.

    Thanks I was able to move it over…
    almost their but!
    I still have the problem of the second sidebar moving my content on the main page in posts not pages over to the left as if it was still in the main content area any idea on how to fix that so posts are full width again?

    Thread Starter Sticky Pod


    Sorry bill, I don’t know what you mean by, “I still have the problem of the second sidebar moving my content on the main page”

    Assuming you’re using the 2014 theme, set your page to “Full Width”, and that will remove the right sidebar. It should not move the rest of the content.

    If you’re trying to move the Content Sidebar over and spread out your posts, that’s an entirely different setup that will take some CSS customization.

    One of the best things to do is download Mozilla Firefox, and install the Firebug plugin. Then you’ll be able to make changes, and add those changes to your custom.css file.

    yes I have moved the content sidebar over and would like to spread out posts as if they were on the full width setting!

    so sounds like that would be a bit of a monkey wrench to do…
    If you can help great if it takes to much of your time thats understandable….

    I am not comfortible enough to use firebug to make changes.
    I have it already…

    Thread Starter Sticky Pod


    Then I would suggest using a plugin. If you’re using 2014, then try this one.


    Good luck.

    Thanks for all your help… some things are starting to make allot of sence to me with the CSS but not everything I will get their Im sure…

    I will check that link out and see if it helps me out…


    Good afternoon. I am using woocommerce in the Avada theme. Got most of it sorted out. Except I have tried numerous CSS codes to get the ‘shop’ side menu from the right side to the left side. The side menu is my products category list. How do you get the shop side menu to the left like my other side menu on my home page?

    Thread Starter Sticky Pod


    MPH01, I’m not familiar with the Avada theme, but isn’t Woocommerce a widget in the sidebars? Just place the Woocommerce widget into the sidebar you want.

    My suggestion above was for the removal of the entire Content sidebar when on any Shop or Product page in the 2014 theme. If the webmaster doesn’t want the cart in a sidebar, they just don’t put the widget into the sidebar.

    Just look for the Woocommerce cart widget under Appearance –> Widgets. Remove it from the right side bar and place it in the left sidebar. Just look for the “Woocommerce Cart” widget.

    Does this help?

    Stickypod wrote:
    “Assuming you’re using the 2014 theme, set your page to “Full Width”, and that will remove the right sidebar. It should not move the rest of the content.”
    This is just what I am looking for. Where do I find this magic button?

    I just upgraded both my WordPress (to 3.9.2) and Woodcommerce (to 2.1.12)

    The sidebar started showing up on my product pages (Which are all set to full page)

    I was able to remove the sidebar by removing code from single-product.php and archive-product.php

    The sidebar is gone but the space is still there and making my product pages too narrow and vertical.

    I can’t get it to go full page.

    Here’s the Post that allowed me to remove the sidebar.

    “Here is how to remove the sidebar.

    go to wp-content/plugins/woocommerce

    in file single-product.php remove the following code
    * woocommerce_sidebar hook
    * @hooked woocommerce_get_sidebar – 10
    next edit the file archive-product.php and remove the following code
    * woocommerce_sidebar hook
    * @hooked woocommerce_get_sidebar – 10
    next we have to edit the style.css in your theme folder
    add the following before the } tag on the last line

    NOTE: You can not add the /* */ to the line it will not comment it out.”

    Any suggestions?

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