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  • Does anyone know, if this issues
    were solved?

    I believe they were in the 2.0.2 release.

    Excellent – and good to know.

    For anyone that is curious, I went through and re-did the upgrade. This time it took. I don’t know why it didn’t take the fisrt time. I did everything this second time the same way I did it the first time. Go figure!

    What about the folder called wp-content, should you delete that when upgrading?

    The Upgrading WordPress article on the codex should help you figure it all out!

    EDITED* niziol got’s it lol.. =) Was just merely trying to do a quicky description of it lol..

    What about the folder called wp-content, should you delete that when upgrading?

    Nope! As far as I know, everything except the wp-config.php file and the wp-content folder..and any special plugins files that might be in the blog’s root directory or in the wp-admin folder…

    I have some plugins that need certain files in the root and wp-admin folder…..I only remove those files within the wp-admin folder…that aren’t the plugin files..same goes for the root of the blog..


    spencerp, I hate writting out those long, really good replies and then being beaten to the punch!

    I had made a few little tweaks to the core files and of-course, I can’t remember which ones, so I decided to be brave and use the patch command and the diff/patch files mentioned earlier on in the thread and it seems to have worked quite well! The last time I had seen a command line was like 4 years ago reading e-mail with pine on the University system, but I downloaded this Cygwin programme, it does a little Unix like command thing in Windows and it has a big handful of programmes ported for it, including patch and what not, so I just did the patch right here on my Win2K machine and it went super well! That’s always an option for anyone wanting to patch who doesn’t have ssh access or is afraid of the command line like me!


    spencerp, I hate writting out those long, really good replies and then being beaten to the punch!

    Hahaha, yeah I know what you’re saying about that lol! =) No matter how fast I try and type a quicky nice short reply, someone always beat ya to the punch lmao..but it’s all good.

    but I downloaded this Cygwin programme, it does a little Unix like command thing in Windows and it has a big handful of programmes ported for it, including patch and what not, so I just did the patch right here on my Win2K machine and it went super well! That’s always an option for anyone wanting to patch who doesn’t have ssh access or is afraid of the command line like me!

    Oh you are so awesome man! Thank you so much for sharing that.. I had also seen about the “DIFF” way of doing it, downloaded it and all…but was like: Ok, now what to do with it..sigh.

    I had seen that one TUT on how to, but still was lost. I’m also like you, not so sure about myself and is kind of afraid of doing command lines and stuff.. =(

    I’m going to download that Cygwin programme once, and see what I can do, well on one of my test blogs hehe.. thanks a million Michael. =^)


    Also had good fortune on my upgrade – just had to remember to replace the various WPG2 files (like the tinymce plugin).

    after the upgrade to 2.0.2, I cannot edit or create pages. posts work fine.
    I always get the following error message in the middle of the screen in “/wp-admin/post.php?action=edit&post=nnn”:

    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘user_firstname’ in ‘field list’]
    SELECT ID, user_login, user_firstname, user_lastname FROM wp_users WHERE user_level <= 10 AND user_level > 0

    has that happened to anyone else?
    How can I fix it?


    This upgrade could have been done a lot easier…

    Am I saying it is not possible to do? Absolutely not. But you have to have an over the average interest in computers to do it this way. And I think thousands of WordPress sites will never be upgraded. Here are two suggestions that could make life a lot easier:

    1. Make an upgrade plug-in that show new patches on the dashboard and will upgrade WP for you when you click “Install this upgrade”. It is definitely possible.

    2. Until 1 happens, make patches in the form of .zip files with only the changed files in the exact same folder structure. Make sure the patch is made so when you unzip it, it do NOT create any WordPress folder. Then it will work for everyone that uses WordPress as the only system installed in root. You only need to upload this file to the root of the web folder and unzip it, overwriting the old files.

    The last method is used by Joomla and works like a charm. You can update 10 websites in the same amount of minutes.

    I am really not looking forward to the “delete this and that, upload this and that” routine for every security upgrade.

    Why not make upgrading as easy as the posting?

    Not sure why I have stumbled acroiss problems, but I have got the folowing message when I go to my site:

    Warning: main(../wp-config.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/.majestic/nubricks/ on line 5

    Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required ‘../wp-config.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/.majestic/nubricks/ on line 5


    nubricks – if everything WAS okay and you have done nothing, ask your host if they have moved anything.
    Also check what else is there using your ftp and also get a database backup.

    I’m not sure if you missed it or not, but isn’t this “basically like” what you’re talking about Oceanwatcher? And there’s a link to detailed instructions on how to do it.. =)

    But yeah, I do know where you’re coming from lol! =) I wouldn’t mind just a “zip” of all the changed files too, then I could just unzip it and upload ONLY the fixed files then.. but who knows what the future will bring though..


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