• I have a ton of links and I like to show a random 5 for each category, but I can’t seem to figure out how to set the number of links displayed now that link and post categories have been blended.

    Am I just overlooking something, or is this feature gone?

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  • Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    crmiller: Thank the actual developers, not me. I have not contributed any code yet. I’ve just been following the development closely as an interested party. ??

    As for the changelog, well, it’s here:

    You may notice that these particular changes (especially the category merge, which seems to be the big stumbling block here for many people) started happening to the 2.1 line over a year ago. It’s not like this has been unknown by anybody using the 2.1 nightlys.

    I guess I’m just surprised that everybody is so surprised. What surprised me was that it was released in what I consider to be a still unpolished state. The changes were not radical enough, IMO. But then that’s just my opinion, of course. It’s still a good first step.

    I fail to see how changing a feature that gave you a great deal of control over something like blogroll categories (i.e. what order they are, what cames before and after them, etc) and make it take that control away is an ‘advancement’.

    I greatly liked 2.0.7’s method of dealing with categories.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    art4mad: So use 2.0.7 then. Or 2.0.8.



    Same feelings here, art4mad.. Just when WordPress was really getting into the CMS aspect, it took a hage step back to the ‘blogging aspect’.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    I disagree. I think this is more of a step forwards towards making it a more general purpose CMS than a blog, by generalizing the Bookmarks into something more than just a thing to stick on the sidebar.

    Of course, time will be needed to demonstrate that.




    “”And it would really help if everybody would stop calling them “Links”. Use the term “Bookmarks” instead. It distinguishes them from “links” in a post, which are nothing at all.””

    You may use links as bookmarks, for me and so many others links are links, if in a post or in the sidebar or in the navi – a link is a link -may be it is a bookmark,
    since 1993 links are the essential of the www, nobody is saying they are bookmarks ?? ??

    a links says:here you will find this and their you will find that,
    links are not always *my* bookmarks,
    links are my business

    if I would like to bookmark something I’m using digg.com or other social media service.

    never ever the sidebar of my blog !

    because links in my sidebar are dollars (this is an example!! I don not sell links but to explain my meanings …;))

    to name links “bookmarks” is *blogger world*

    I know this is an never ending discussion,
    it is your wordpress not mines,
    it is the never ending discussion between developers and marketing – business men/women.

    Another problem:
    Yesterday I wrote an article about the wp_list_bookmarks in german language, (texto.de)
    the codex article is marked that I need the authors permission to edit soemthing:
    Please do you know who is the author?
    1. An example puts out false html
    2. category_name: I can’t bring it to work for me ??

    thanks a lot for this information


    Otto- There are other features of 2.1 I like a lot, and I didn’t spend my time upgrading to go backwards.

    I don’t mind the fact that all categories, be they post or link categories, are edited and created in one admin panel. I don’t like that they removed the ability for me to set things like their order on my blogroll, what comes before and after them (like < li>) or other controls I used to have. Simplying is fine but losing the ability to control how they are displayed, ability you previously had, is not advancement.

    Power in software, especially in a blog content manager like WordPress, is the ability to make it do and look how you want. This new version took some of that power from me, and that’s what I dislike about it.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    You still have all that power, it’s just not currently easily accessible like it was before.

    The problem with having the power to control the before/after/between stuff from the admin panel is that what those values actually are depends rather heavily on your theme. So if you change themes, those might not work anymore, or they might look different/bad, or they might just break the page. Impossible to know before hand.

    Most themes eschewed the use of these fields entirely by using get_links(), which ignored those user-settable fields. The “look” of any given page is supposed to be in the theme, and those are part of that look.

    So all that is still available, but it’s moved to a more appropriate location. I grant you that hand editing themes is no fun, but advances are being made in that direction as well. Themes can create configuration pages of their own on the Presentation menu. Sidebar Widgets allow you to control the look of sidebars directly from an admin page as well.

    The whole goal of a package WordPress is to separate content from presentation. Content lives in the database. Presentation lives in the themes (mostly). WordPress is the control of both of these. Plugins provide mechansisms for extending any or all of these. Even Themes can extend WordPress as well.

    So, the point I’m making is that removing that “control” over the specific presentation was a necessary step in putting it to the correct place: the presentation layer. As that layer becomes more complex and starts utilizing the available functionality to it, it can give that control back to you in more sensible ways. But it will take time, I grant you.

    I see your point. As a php noob I haven’t the faintest idea how to change my theme, which was set up for me by the programmers who did the CMS system for my website. Maybe you can help me. All I’d like to do is remove the “bullets” from in front of each of my links on my blogroll. I tried experimenting with changing some code in links.php by replacing < ul> with < p> tags in my current theme folder, but nothing changed.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    art4mad: It’s probably easier to simply edit your CSS than to mess with the PHP code. But without seeing your site, I cannot say. Care to post a link to it?

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    art4mad: Okay… What bullets are you talking about? I’m not seeing any.

    Really? In front of each link on my blogroll, including those to pages, archives and in each web link category, the link is preceeded by a >>. It’s the same with Firefox or Safari on my Mac. It must be some kind of a browser setting issue.

    I have read the following:


    but my CSS file is not cooperating. The corresponding line

    #sidebar li {
    list-style: none;

    Does not exist in it, nor does adding it change anything.

    Figured it out on my own. Thanks for the nudge. This line in my CSS was the culprit:

    .entry ul li:before, #sidebar ul ul li:before {

    content: “OOBB OO20”;



    I replaced the “OOBB OO20” with


    and presto! the >> that showed up in FF and Safari but not in IE disappeared. Life is good.

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