• 2.2 beta is out. If you have a staging site or a test environment, please try it out and give feedback. This is still not advised for production websites.

    Here is how to upgrade:

    1) perform a db backup
    2) back up the plugin files with ftp
    3) try to up the memory a little in PHP before updating
    4) deactivate the plugin (do not delete the plugin from wordpress or you will lose data)
    5) download (2.2 beta) from our website. Perform a manual upgrade by deleting old folder with ftp and copy new files with ftp
    6) cross your fingers ??
    7) re activate plugin on wordpress
    8) if you have errors please report them to us and use both back ups to bring your site back online

    Here are the new features/bug fixes

    Core (2.2 beta)


    Allow users to create recurring events with no pattern by clicking dates in the calendar
    Implemented Google’s new NoCaptcha, a better way of detecting spam bots
    Implemented frontend renderring for improved performance
    Created a new menu item “Organize” that contains Categories, Tags, Venues, and Filter Groups
    Added the ability to select colours for terms of Filter Groups
    Added the ability to map imported taxonomy to existing Filter Group terms
    Exposed Filter Groups on the Frontend Event Submission form

    Improved URLs handling when WordPress is upgraded to use SSL addresses
    Made it possible to have Powered by Time.ly logo on a calendar
    Improved tooltip behaviour and removed them from mobile
    Clarified the option to import past events
    Persistent notices now contain easily accessible information which helps to find it’s causes and clearly mark suggested actions
    Improved calendar embedding options by making it more compatible with different platforms
    Created a workaround option for dealing with a bug in Google’s handling of timezones on .ics feeds
    Made it possible to filter upcoming events widget by more values
    Optimised cache usage: regenerating files only when a change justifies it
    Categories/tags information is updated during Feeds import
    Made it possible to easily introduce template modifications
    Improved database queries performance (affects large deployments)
    Improved menu labels for Frontend Event Submissions
    Improved JavaScript components loading speed
    Improved display of event dates to ensure year will show

    Fixed issue where it was impossible to remove a color from a category
    Fixed issue where calendar navigation stopped responding
    Improved compatibility with iCalendar applications by removing end time from events that have none
    Fixed a conflict with the views dropdown and the subscribe button
    Fixed a conflict where WPML and a static calendar homepage resulted in a 404
    Fixed recurring events import: detecting modifications with greater accuracy
    Fixed an issue where the licence key menu is not available if the add-on has no settings
    Next/Prev navigation is present again at the bottom of the calendar
    Fixed an issue with date parsing in PHP version 5.2.4
    Fixed a plugin conflict with the popular “Gallery” plugin
    Fixed an issue where event footers were not being rendered
    Make sure Timezone setting is respect whenever it’s made in site, or calendar settings
    In case of rendering error user will be presented with a friendly message and calendar will try to re-configure
    Fixed an issue where LESS would fail to compile on install
    Editing event imported from Feed doesn’t break it’s relationship with feed
    Event detail pages will now always open in a modal from calendars embedded using the SuperWidget
    Fixed issue where on some servers JavaScript was not fully rendered
    Improved CSS handling so that it would not be recompiled unless necessary
    Fixed issue where the “now” marker in week and day view was missing
    Fixed issue where mutiday events were displayed incorrectly in day view
    Temporary disabled microformatting to avoid conflicts with 3rd party plugins
    Fixed error which was appearing when choosing calendar viewable hours which do not pass validation
    Fixed issue where custom permalinks resutled in a 404
    Fixed issue where shortcodes used on the calendar page conflicted with Agenda View
    Fixed issue where “no end time” could not be unchecked
    Fixed an issue where the “Post your Event” and “Add your Feed” buttons were not visible on shortcode calendars

    Fixed an issue where an unauthorized user could access the clone event feature


Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Hi,

    The posterboard view is disable in the beta version?
    Please help

    Thread Starter Nicola Peluchetti


    You have to install extended views. It’s a free add on


    But i have 2.2 beta installed in a WordPress Multisite and when i activate extended views, i am getting the following error message. Please help.

    The add-on “All-in-One Event Calendar Extended Views by Time.ly” has been disabled due to an error:
    Addon All-in-One Event Calendar Extended Views by Time.ly needs to be at least in version
    Error Details:
    #0 /home/domains/bioquest/htdocs/conference/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/lib/environment/check.php(130): Ai1ec_Environment_Checks->_plugin_activation(‘all-in-one-even…’, ‘’)
    #1 /home/domains/bioquest/htdocs/conference/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/lib/bootstrap/registry/object.php(209): Ai1ec_Environment_Checks->check_addons_activation(‘all-in-one-even…’)
    #2 /home/domains/bioquest/htdocs/conference/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/lib/event/callback/abstract.php(59): Ai1ec_Registry_Object->dispatch(‘environment.che…’, ‘check_addons_ac…’, Array)
    #3 [internal function]: Ai1ec_Event_Callback_Abstract->run(‘all-in-one-even…’)
    #4 /home/domains/bioquest/htdocs/conference/wp-includes/plugin.php(496): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
    #5 /home/domains/bioquest/htdocs/conference/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php(600): do_action(‘activated_plugi…’, ‘all-in-one-even…’, true)
    #6 /home/domains/bioquest/htdocs/conference/wp-admin/plugins.php(40): activate_plugin(‘all-in-one-even…’, ‘https://www.amri…’, true)
    #7 /home/domains/bioquest/htdocs/conference/wp-admin/network/plugins.php(16): require(‘/home/domains/b…’)
    #8 {main}
    Request Uri: /conference/wp-admin/network/plugins.php?action=activate&plugin=all-in-one-event-calendar-extended-views%2Fall-in-one-event-calendar-extended-views.php&plugin_status=all&paged=1&s&_wpnonce=c2d4f3dac8

    Thread Starter Nicola Peluchetti


    open a topic

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  • The topic ‘2.2 beta is available for testing – NOT FOR PRODUCTION’ is closed to new replies.