• The categories and Tags on my blog are missing. I host two blogs on my site and somehow all the categories are missing. Both sites are having the same problem. The are just showing for uncategorized.

    I do have a independent writer who publishes posts. But I don’t think she did this or did it on purpose.


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    Should I update to 2.7 to fix this?

    I just had the same problem, upgraded to 2.7 and still have the problem. The items still exist in my wp-terms data table and WordPress even denies me from adding categories by saying “Category with this name already exists.”

    Anyone have any ideas?

    I had the problem described here and in more depth in this post, all I did to solve this problem was restart my VPS (reboot the server), but this was after I had gone through each plugin one by one and re-uploaded WP which had no affect, it was a mission of trial and error. The problem appeared for no reason inflicted by myself, so it may have been related to something on the server being updated or maintained and that would explain why the same problem occurred on separate blogs hosted on the same server. The restart solved it.

    Don’t know what if anything you did, but your categories are all showing for me in FF2.

    Okay – I just upgraded to 2.7 and my categories are gone. No categories and no tags. I can add them in the box, but they do not post.

    When I do post my entries, everything comes up Uncategorized.

    What’s worse, in the category section of the Admin panel I get a series of 1 categories, and as I delete them, they repopulate, so I have three pages of categories called 1 (with no posts) and the categories I tried to add are at the bottom of Page 4.

    My old categories are in the SQL database. I’m not sure what to do now.

    Might also consider rebuild/repairing your MySQL database tables via phpMyAdmin. Make sure you have a backup before doing that.

    Thanks, but I haven’t the first idea how to do that when the option isn’t there in the panel.

    I can do one, say wp_terms, but others give me the error:

    “The additional features for working with linked tables have been
    deactivated. To find out why click here.”

    And clicking there just gives me gibberish – well maybe others can understand it, but not me.

    I’m sorry, I’m a writer, not a computer person. Installing and upgrading WP was simple until I let the automatic upgrade to the work, and now I’ve lost categories and tags.

    Is there another option that doesn’t require me getting certified in PHP?

    Thank you, Michael. The repair was simple enough and not as scary as I would have thought, but it hasn’t done anything for the categories.

    Darn. Make sure your tables’ indexes agree with the indexes described for each table in Database Description.

    I’ll check that now.


    I am also having a problem displaying more than one category, so the people above are not alone.

    I go to the admin Dashboard and open the Categories page. I can add new categories and sub-categories here, but they never show up on the blog page. I am able to edit the original (“uncategorized”) category to another name, but that is all.

    I “repaired” all of my MySQL tables, as suggested, but this didn’t help. By the way, I don’t see a wp_category table in my database, but I do see the name of my (missing) category in the wp_terms table as well as the description of the (missing) category in the wp_term_taxonomy table.

    These are the 10 tables in my MySQL database:


    I think I’m using 2.7. I installed it through the GoDaddy interface.

    Thanks !!

    Jbucknoff — you may have a totally different problem – try to deactivate all your plugins, change to the WordPress Default theme.

    Thanks Michael.

    However, I just installed the blog, so I’m using all of the defaults. (I haven’t changed or modified anything.) I haven’t installed any plug-ins, either.

    The most dynamic thing I did was insert an animated .gif image on my main page, but I doubt if that caused a problem. I also changed the name of the “uncategorized” category to “Main”, which sounds better.

    Here is my blog, if you want to take a look and see what I mean:

    – – Jerry B.

    Maybe your problem is that you don’t have any posts assigned to those categories.

    The hide_empty=0 parameter with the template tag, wp_list_categories(), will display categories with no posts.

    Stepping Into Template Tags
    Stepping Into Templates
    Template Hierarchy

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