Hi Matata
To do so, I use the “single.php” file as a “switch”.
You need to use the “conditional tags” :
Let’s see with an example.
As you wrote, imagine you have :
category Id 2 : DOG
Then you need :
1 – single.php : you will use this a a swith
2 – single_dog.php : the template you want for the post in the dog category
3 – single_normal.php : the template you want in any other category.
in your single.php file, you just write the conditions like this :
if (in_category('2')) {include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/single_dog.php');
else { include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/single_normal.php');
In english, it tells to wordpress : if the post is in catagory 2 (dog), open the single_dog.php template file … If the post is in any other category, open the single_normal.php template file.
You don’t need anything else in your single.php. It’s simply a switch. Then, you create two different template file in single_dog.php and in single_normal.php, just as you would do in the standart single.php.
Of course, you can do this for other categories… Let’s say you want a template for posts in the category “dog” (id 2) and another for posts in the category “cat” (id 3)
Then, you will use the “elseif” condition :
if (in_category('2')) {include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/single_dog.php');
elseif (in_category('3')) {include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/single_cat.php');
else { include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/single_normal.php');
Of course, you adjust this code to fit your own needs… You can use this method for any category you want. There is no limit for the amount of “elseif” condition… You can also group a condition for several categories :
elseif (in_category('8') || in_category (9)){include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/single_example.php');
Single_example.php will then be used if the post is in catagory 8 or in category 9…
Good luck.