• Hello,

    I am trying to get the contact form to work on my website. I have extracted the files to the plugin directory, activated it and created a new form via the tools menu.

    After saving the form I created a new page called “Contact Us” and pasted the following into it:

    [contact-form 1 "Contact Us"]

    I then tried to leave a comment for myself but it gives the error “Failed to send your message. Please try later or contact administrator by other way.”

    Is there something I am missing? Everything looks great, I can see the fields, my akismet key is working and I typed out a message that shouldn’t look like spam and it still gives the red block.

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  • notanotheroneohno, do you recieve other mails like comment notifications? Can I see your page?

    Thread Starter notanotheroneohno


    Hey Takayukister,

    Contact form is here:

    I think there is a problem with the mail function on my installation. From what I read on my hosts tech support the mail function is enabled, but it may not go out because the from address is not specified by the function.

    I will have to investigate this further after school today, but if it helps drupal is installed on the same host but for my other websites and the email function works fine. Not too sure why wordpress isn’t working properly.

    Thanks for any information, and for taking a look at my problem.

    Thread Starter notanotheroneohno



    I fixed the problem. It was not the plugin, it was the server I was on. Everything works awesome now, thanks for the awesome plugin and for the help takayukister!


    i have updated wordpress to 2.7.
    Now my contactform doesnt send anymore.

    The url is :


    Any suggestions?


    Vespillo, look into your HTML source. See the bottom of it. It’s not closed. You should fix it first.

    i found the problem.

    When the contact form is set to be the startpage (Admin>Settings>Read) in wordpress it wont send anymore!

    Is it possible to fix this?


    I am having another problem, but I think it is related to this one.

    The forms will not send to email addresses from the same domain as my site. (Yes, I am receiving other emails there.)

    But it works to send outside of my domain…for example, to my gmail address.


    Well, not sure if this is the same problem, but I was able to figure out why the Red box Error was showing up when I tried to test out the form.

    The documentation is horrible, so hopefully this will help out some folks.

    1. Make sure the coding in your form is as follows (example):

    <p><label>Name (required):<br />
        [text* your-name] </label></p>

    2. In your Admin section, underneath the “FORM” coding box, there is the “MAIL” section. You need to fill this out (example):

    To: YOUR NAME <[email protected]> (Replace “YOU” with your actual name & “YOU@DOMAIN.. with your actual email address)

    FROM: [your-name] <[email-xx]> (Replace the “XX” with the actual mark up language that is located up in your form.

    SUBJECT: put whatever you want emailed here to you

    I hope that helps out those that are struggling because I found absolutely no other help besides the author’s blog (which is a bit confusing).



    I’m having the same message … with the yellow/orange box. I’ve tried absolutely every suggestion I’ve read. I’m using wordpress 2.7 and the version of Contact Form 7. It looks great on my page, but it just won’t let anyone submit no matter what domain name given in address or what browser. I’m totally stumped. My Akismet settings are right and I’ve included the necessary code for name,email address, and url. I’ve also checked mail option and entered my own address for “to”. What’s next? Does anyone know what I should check next? The page/form in question … https://www.bemorebalanced.com/advertise/



    I think I’ve got it fixed now … not really sure how or why.



    Hey guys, having the spinning arrow problem My blog

    I’ve read the fact page and the forum.

    The spinning arrow icon shows up once I submit a form, but then nothing happens.
    This is most probably due to a conflict between plugins. Try deactivating all other plugins.

    Check – disabled all plugins still same problem.

    Below is the code.

    Your Name (required)
        [text* your-name akismet:author] 
    Your Email (required)
        [email* your-email akismet:author_email] 
        [text your-subject] 
    File Upload
    [file file-919]
    Select Your Country
    <select name="your-country">
      <option value="Japan">Japan</option>
      <option value="United States">United States</option>
      <option value="Canada">Canada</option>
      <option value="China">China</option>
      <option value="India">India</option>
      <option value="other">other</option>
    Your Message
        [textarea your-message] 
    [submit "Send"]

    Windows server, not sure if AJAX on but looking into that next. Could this be a problem on the server/host side?

    Thanks in advance



    To zartage… I had the same problem and I did the suggetion made by modposh… adding <label> tags in each field as mentioned… is working now but the spinning arrow doesn’t disappear…

    There’s anyone who could help with this. After submitting the form and the spinning arrow appears doesn’t do anything else, not a confirm line or confirm page… what I’m doing wrong?

    This is a link to my sample page.

    This is the code:

    <p><label>Your Name (required)<br />
        [text* your-name class:contact_text_field]</label></p>
    <p><label>Your Email (required)<br />
        [email* your-email class:contact_text_field]</label></p>
    <p><label>Subject<br />
        [text your-subject class:contact_text_field]</label></p>
    <p><label>Your Message<br />
        [textarea your-message class:text_input]</label> </p>
    <p><label>[captchac captcha-822 size:l fg:#000 bg:#fff id:catcha]<br />
         [captchar* captcha-822 24/24 class:contact_text_field]</label></p>
    <p><label>[submit class:submit_contact "Send Message"]</label></p>



    I followed modposh’s instructions to the t and still not receiving anything from my contact form – see screenshot:



    I’m having the same problem as shrunk90. I send test message to myself (using my gmail account) and no email ever arrives even though my contact page returns the message “Your message was sent successfully. Thanks.”

    What gives?



    Is there an easy way to add a two field email address check mechanism to CF7?

    In other words, the user has to enter their email twice and the mechanism checks that the versions are identical.

    We have had problems where the user mistyped their email and we had no other way to contact them.

    Thanks in Advance,


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