• I am using WordPress 2.7.1

    When I upload a post using the WordPress Iphone application (and it seems from Ecto and Iblogger as well), instead of the picture displaying correctly, I just get lines of code like this:

    p>a href=”https://www.wilsons.id.au/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/p-480-319-740de145-9641-4318-af0c-20b0c99d64e1.jpeg”>img src=”https://www.wilsons.id.au/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/p-480-319-740de145-9641-4318-af0c-20b0c99d64e1.jpeg” alt=”” width=”199″ height=”300″ class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-364″ />/a>/p>

    It seems that there is some incompatibility here. Can anyone please help.

    I have reinstalled WordPress already and tried uploading without any plugins but it does not make any difference.

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  • I am having the same problem. It looks to me like you’re having trouble with the actual HTML getting garbled. I believe that is fixed by using this plugin.

    However, I am having trouble where the image isn’t actually transferred correctly. The post itself works correctly (using the above plugin) but the image comes up blank. See this image.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    cdevroe —

    Self-hosted or wordpress.com?

    I’m assuming WordPress 2.7.1?

    OK – self hosted… Saw your site.

    I assume this happens every time? No variance?

    What plugins do you have installed?


    Wondering if this might help –


    Similar problem – fixed by making sure the setting for upload path was correct… See here for some more info…


    … Let us know…



    Thanks for taking a look at my problem. I didn’t know you replied since WP.org didn’t email me, so sorry for no response.

    I tried the suggested fix by adding upload directory to my wp-config.php file. That still doesn’t work.


    Note: I’ve now updated to 2.8 and have tried every single suggested action to solve the issue – but I have yet to figure it out.

    No JPG gets uploaded yet it knows the full URL to the photo and its dimensions.

    Very strange… thanks for trying the upload directory idea.

    Tell me what plugins you’re running?

    Also, let’s do process of elimination… If you have not had successful posting of pics to a “regular” wordpress.com blog, would you test that for me? Just make yourself a wordpress.com blog, default theme, and post a pic…

    Also, what OS is your self-host?

    Plugin list: Advertising Manager, Akismet, LibXML2 Fix, Lightbox 2, Twitter for WordPress, Twitter Tools, Viddler WordPress plugin, Widon’t, WordPress.com Stats, WP-Footnotes, WP Super Cache

    As far as I know none of these plugins directly effect posting. I do have a WordPress.com account and I will try that and let you know how it goes.

    My host is Dreamhost. I’m not exactly sure what OS version they are using but I’m guessing it is a build of Linux.

    Also of note: This worked great for some time and, one day, just stopped. That is why I was having a LibXML problem.

    I finally had some time to try it on one of my WordPress.com blogs and it worked just fine. Sigh.

    Any thoughts?

    I want to give more information. It appears that the file uploads but is incomplete. Notice how this URL does not 404.


    It is 32 KB (which I think is too small). Downloading the file and opening it in Photoshop gives this error: https://img.skitch.com/20090618-1ux2am9uu8yc7xhy9y71u3nanc.png

    At this point I’ve dug into the code to the point where I don’t know what else to look at. The file is simply being corrupted (or is not being fully uploaded) somehow.

    First thought is that working on WordPress.com strongly suggests the issue is on the host side, not the app…

    Also mentioning that it suddenly stopped working is of interest… any chance you remember the date? It might be interesting to contact Dreamhost and ask if any sort of change was made to their servers in the same timeframe…

    Do they support WordPress out of the box with an account or did you install it yourself?

    I will research a bit and get back with you… If you get a moment, you might check any e-mails from dreamhost for any changes they made…

    I’m running PHP 5.2.6 and LibXML 2.6.16

    jb6262: I’m in discussions with Dreamhost support at the moment (via email). I’ll let you know what I’m able to figure out there.

    Out of the box Dreamhost support WP fairly well (or at least they always have). They even have one-click installs (which I didn’t use) for it.

    If you would like access to my FTP, WP-Admin, or anything else, please let me know and I’d be more than happy to give you access to these things in order to figure this out and potential help others that have or will run into this issue.

    The file that you point to at https://cdevroe.com/wp-content/mobile/photos/2009/06/l_640_480_042CE6F1-E09B-4745-97CD-4956523C552E.jpeg is 53840 bytes and looks to be a corrupt JPEG image.

    If your server is using libXML 2.6.16 I don’t think you need to the libxml fix plugin.

    Are you able to upload an image using the media icons from the edit post screen in wp-admin? Do they show up properly, or corrupted like this one?

    Working on the assumption that an uploaded image through wp-admin does work correctly here’s the next thing I’d try. Disable all of the plugins and try to upload an image via the iPhone app again. If that works okay they enable each plugin one at time, uploading an image from the iPhone again again after each one. If this is a problem coming for a plugin then this will narrow down which plugin it is.

    I’m having a little tingle in the back of the brain that the hack involved in the libxml fix plugin might be the thing that is corrupting the image upload. I’ll try to confirm this suspension.

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