• Basically, I am no longer receiving the email notifcation when anyone leaves an email on my blog.

    I setup my blog last year with Word Press 2.1 (or .2, I forget) and everything was fine; I was using the default Theme and emails were being received regularly.

    About a month ago I changed my Theme to Dipdolt V1 and upgraded to 2.3. Since then, nothing.

    With the release of 2.5 I upgraded again, keeping the same Theme, and still no emails.

    I have searched and browsed for answers, with most of my attempts to patch things up being summed up in this thread: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/142163?replies=12#post-669263

    So in summary, I have:

    – removed “228 $phpmailer->Sender = apply_filters( ‘wp_mail_from’, $from_email );” from pluggable.php
    – made sure I have both [email protected] and [email protected]
    – installed the Comments Notifier pluggin
    – made sure that the general notification check box is ticked so I receive it for all comments

    Does anyone else have any ideas?

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  • I found the solution to this = How To Fix Email Comment Notifications!!!


    i’m sorry but the solution you pointed out in your site doesn’t work for me. i checked profile settings… thrice — i have a qualified e-mail address there ever since the start. and it still doesn’t send me notifications.

    One more from the silent majority joining the club. Not getting any notifications on new users or comments any more. New users do not get an email with their password either. Discovered the problem some weeks ago while still using WordPress 2.1.3. Upgrading did not fix the problem. My installation is on my own domain-server, so this is not any Yahoo-matter.

    I was so certain i found the solution to this, lol.

    I’m so sorry for disappointing anyone. But for me, that solved my issue in the email notifications. I also added [email protected] as an email account in my site cPanel. Maybe try that?

    I have upgraded my WordPress to version 2.6.1, this comment notification issue is still there!!!

    And the database plug-in ‘WP-DBManager’, it cannot send backup e-mail to Hotmail, but my Gmail account can receive the backup e-mail.

    I am tired for fixing this issue…God please help me!!

    This is the second time I’ve had this happen. The first was with my 2.3 installation, comment notification just stopped. I fixed it easily by deleting my email addresses and re-typing and saving. Then it happened again the other day on the same installation, this time my fix didn’t work, or any of the others mentioned in this thread. Today I upgraded to the latest version, and nothing has changed, tried all the fixes again to no avail. A great nuisance to say the least.

    Just installed this plugin and it’s looking good.

    I can confirm that the Configure SMTP plugin posted by djfraser works. Thank you for finding this fix!

    When I installed this WP plug-in named [Configure SMTP] (https://coffee2code.com/wp-plugins/configure-smtp/), my [Subscribe To Comments] is working now, but [WP-DBManager] still could not work.

    YES! The plug-in “Configure SMTP” did the trick. A million thanks to Scott Reilly!

    I hope this isn’t marked as “resolved.”

    I installed WordPress about 3 years ago and still have an old version–2.04-something I believe (www.theResearchSource.net/columns/). One reason I didn’t do much with it was the constant spam. When the e-mail notices stopped arriving I thought it had stopped. Recently I piced WP again and may want to use it… I was shocked to find some 1,500 comments awaiting moderation. The spam plug-in really helped… Anyway, the e-mail notifications have stopped–I don’t know if I want them for each instance of spam–and this latest plug-in fix says it doesn’t work with my earlier version. I’ve had some problems and dread upgrading (should I? One thing that really bothered me is an inability to have comments on “pages”–now I know the solution to that. At least I know the bugs in the one I have…) So my e-mail notifications don’t work and, in searching this forum, I don’t have a clue as to how to fix it.

    That “Configure SMTP” plug-in didn’t work for me but this one did:


    When I had 2.5 my emails stopped working because there was no email filled out in the admin profile. Same for 2.6

    But in 2.6.1 I was getting NO EMAILS (whether it needs to be approved or not). But the plug-in i linked above worked for me.

    Hello guys, i have the same problem still after i installed plugin wp-mail-smtp. I configured it like i want and it succesfuly send test email to my email. But whenever someone will post comment i did not get any notification, but it is set to notify. I think that the problem is that i changed the wordpress default email to gmail because i canceled my old email. You have any ideas where could be problem like in db or what ?

    So solved. I just installed comment notifier and now it all works ??

    All I had to do to fix this little hiccup was to deactivate (but not remove) the WP-DBManager ver 2.31, which seems to be conflicting with WP 2.6.2. Perhaps this is something that will be worked out in a future plugin update.

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