• Kafkaesqui


    Because it’s difficult enough having to explain it, I’ve gone ahead and modified the default (Kubrick 1.5) theme to provide a sidebar at all times:


    To use, unzip to the directory/folder “default_allsidebar”, upload this to your wp-content/themes/ directory on your blog’s site, and select “WP Default – AllSidebar Edition” under Presentation in WordPress.


    * Templates previously single-column reset to the ‘narrowcolumn’ id.
    * <?php get_sidebar(); ?> added to those templates which lacked it.
    * Reference in header.php to kubrickbgwide.jpg removed.
    * A tiny bit of cleanup, clarification of comments.

    I also slipped in the get_calendar() template tag, though it is commented out; to display it, remove the html comments from around it in sidebar.php.

    Note: If this steps on any toes, so be it.

    UPDATE: For those who want to display links and login info in your sidebar at all times as well, I’ve separately made available a modified version of this:


    Extract sidebar.php from the zip and replace your current one (either in default or default_allsidebar) with it.

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  • clarke1866


    Dammit! I’ve been working on figuring this out for 2 days. I finally got it 5 minutes ago, and about to post on how to do it (there were various hints around, but no explicit instructions). Now, you’ve gone and done and made it easy for <i>everyone</i>.

    You sir, are a scholar and a gentleman.

    Thread Starter Kafkaesqui


    A solution that avoids several dozen threads a month on the same topic is the one I (almost) always go for. :/

    And those 2 days were not lost ones. You now know more about WordPress theme construction than 99% of the WordPress users out there. Probaby not what you set out for, but…



    Hey Kaf, thanks for going to the trouble of setting this up!




    This is great.

    How can I vertically align the sidebar to the top of the column in index.php?

    It’s @ the top for sub-pages, but not on the main page…

    Have tried quite a few things, including

    #sidebar in style.css


    Thread Starter Kafkaesqui


    jpshea, you understand the irony of your question? Modifying the mod.

    You’ll have to provide more info, because the sidebar aligns vertically at the top on all pages for me including the home page, with the search input aside the first line of text in the left-hand column (except for single post pages, which pushes down on the left due to the next/previous links).



    I have a pretty highly modified Kubrick already. Can you tell me if I have to replace the comments and index php for this to work? Or can I just leave that and replace everything else. Im tryin not to go thru all the hassle of adding everything again.

    Thread Starter Kafkaesqui


    To modify your own Kubrick, note the changes I mentioned above:

    * Templates previously single-column reset to the ‘narrowcolumn’ id.

    In each “primary” template (i.e. a template that incorporates get_header(), get_footer()), make sure this:

    <div id="content" class="widecolumn">

    is this:

    <div id="content" class="narrowcolumn">

    * <?php get_sidebar(); ?> added to those templates which lacked it.

    Should be obvious which ones those are, eh? Just place it above <?php get_footer(); ?>

    * Reference in header.php to kubrickbgwide.jpg removed.

    In the style section of header.php, there’s an if/else statement to set which background image to use for #page. Change this so there is only one #page referencing “/images/kubrickbg.jpg” (or whatever image you may have change it to).



    As another reference, for people having trouble modifying their own kubrick setup: the key break for me was discovering that the file single.php was how a single ‘post’ was displayed. Most of the changing is done in this file.



    Hey thanks a lot for the ‘all sidebar edition’ Kafkaesqui
    It was a BIG help

    The only bit I’m trying to work out now is:
    How the heck do I get the ‘Archived’ pages to show the original links in the posts?

    Thread Starter Kafkaesqui




    RE: links in post on archive pages:

    :<b>big thumbs up</b>:




    I could just KISS you for this!



    Thanks, Kafkaesqui, for this sidebar modification! It was what I was looking for. Now how can I get the sidebar to show on the permalink pages?


    Thread Starter Kafkaesqui


    “Now how can I get the sidebar to show on the permalink pages?”

    Uh, ????????????????????????????????????????


    It’s the AllSidebar edition of Kubrick, which means the sidebar is on, all the time, on all the pages. Sort of the point. Now, if it’s not showing up when on an individual post page, then either it hasn’t been selected for the active theme, or something went wrong when dropping it into place.



    Yes. My mistake. But I do have another question. How do I get the links list to also appear on every page in the sidebar and not just the homepage?

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