From Andy
What happened: your blog re-registered at with something different about it (maybe the path?), causing the duplicate entry to be added to your account.
That is only a guess because none of you have provided your blog URL, which I need in order to find your records in the database.
You may fix it by deleting your stats options:
DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = ‘stats_options’
and then installing and activating the newest version of Stats. In 1.3 I added an option to let you associate your blog with a pre-existing record in the database.
Alternatively, if you are comfortable editing a serialized PHP array you can manually correct the blog_id in your stats_options. The correct blog_id can be found in the URL of the global dashboard page where you view your stats.
I deleted a blog and I also removed access to my self hosted blog and I also removed stats from
Now my self hosted blog will not associate with it’s original stats for I’ve tried deactivating and reactivating the plugin and adding back the API key from my account. When asked to enter api key and replace an existing blog I only have the option for and when I select that I get stats for
Where can I fix this?