• I recently came across an error while trying to create a gallery in the NextGen Gallery Plugin. I found a thread on the exact same topic, but it didn’t quite answer my question. Being that it had been tagged as resolved (3 months ago) I feared I wouldn’t get a response to it.

    For your reference, here are the comments on that thread:

    I’m using wp 2.7 and nextGen gallery 1.0.2, and get following error when trying to upload a zip file into a new gallery:

    Database error. Could not add gallery!

    when I try to create a new gallery, I hit the “Add Gallery” button, the page refreshes but nothing happened.

    Tried to deactivate and activate the plugin, no effect. I had no problems before, the gallery was working fine.

    Uninstall the plugin (not only deactive it) and try to upload it again, check also your server error logs

    I don’t know if this is the same problem, but when I add a first gallery after successful installation, the add images/gallery page goes blank and I can not add anything to the gallery. The gallery is there, I can see it on the server. I just can’t get to it in WordPress.

    It’s got to have something to do with my host or database. I’m just not sure what to be looking for. Any thoughts?

    the galleries are actually created on the server, also the images are uploaded and the thumbs are generated.

    if you say uninstall, you mean the uninstall function in the setup menu of the gallery, right?
    How is the best way to restore my galleries after that?

    ok, finally resolved the issue.

    I had running wp with a database user with full rights at the beginning, at some point it seems I revoke some privileges (like creating tables, fields,…) from that user.

    so after the update of nextgen-gallery the plugin couldn’t add the new fields to the table. that’s why I got the database error.

    thanks alex for the help!

    I tried uninstalling the plug in, reinstalling, that fixed it, but after I uploaded images again, I ended up in the same place. What needs to be done to keep this from happening?

    So here’s my post…

    Alex or pulk99,

    I am having the exact same problem as pulk99 had.
    Did you just uninstall and reinstall the plugin as Alex suggested? And that’s what fixed it? Or did you do something with your database that fixed it? If so, what did you do?

    If you uninstalled it, what happened with all of your previously uploaded galleries/images? After you uploaded the plugin again, did it work just the same?

    I have a lot of posts each with a ton of images using the Nextgen Gallery plugin and I’m scared that if I uninstall it, it will lose the images, etc.

    Thanks in advance for you help!

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  • Thank you for posting this… I have been having a similar problem with NextGEN gallery 1.2.1 and WordPress 2.7.1… Hopefully my comment will generate the help we both so desperately need.

    Thread Starter cggurr


    Anybody have any help for marlon68 and me? ?? I’d really like to get this behind me and my new posts published.

    Thread Starter cggurr



    I got tired of waiting, so I messed with it a bit myself. It fixed it. Here’s what I did:

    I copied the whole gallery onto my desktop to have a backup of all the images in case something went wrong. I then uninstalled the plugin and deleted it via ftp.

    I then reinstalled it just as you normally would through wordpress. I was hoping that I could just upload the gallery again and be done with it, but the plugin area in wordpress didn’t recognize any of the galleries that I had previously set up. So I just created all new galleries and used the “Import Image Folder” option to upload the images from the gallery directory on the server (I was surprised that all the galleries stayed there even when I uninstalled the plugin).

    If you don’t create the galleries in the same order that you originally did, you’ll have to go back through each post and re-number the galleries to show up correctly. I had a ton of posts and galleries so this took me a while, but it was worth it to have the plugin working again for my future posts.

    Anyway, hope this helps.

    I am having the same problem as Medialive. “……when I add a first gallery after successful installation, the add images/gallery page goes blank and I can not add anything to the gallery.”

    Thanks in Advance for your help.

    This problem is definitely related to the Earthlink host. I installed on a GoDaddy host and NO PROBLEM! Everything went smooth as silk and works perfectly.

    If anyone has any clues as to what needs to be changed in Earthink please post. From reading other forum posts this problem is pervasive on Earthlink accounts.

    Currently on a 1&1 shared host and am having the same issue with the NextGen “add gallery” page going black after submitting values for image folder.

    I add a gallery via image folder and it doesn’t create thumbnails and only adds 2 of the 11 or so images in the folder. Any help??

    php.ini set memory=20MB
    WP 2.8
    NextGen 1.3.3 (most recent version)
    Other Plugins:
    – Flash Video Player
    – Subscribe2
    – WordPress Database Backup

    Also, NextGen is not creating thumbs. I am well below the 20MB server limit on uploads. Tried doing zip file uploads (file not recognized), importing image folder (no luck), and adding individual images through the flash uploader. The individual image approach worked – SORT OF – it uploaded 5 of 8 images, but created no thumbnails.



    I am having the same issue with Earthlink. As soon as I create a gallery the, “Manage Gallery” Page goes blank. This is a problem that I have ONLY experienced on earthlink.

    can someone please give me ANY hint as to how to fix this.. I’ve tried everything in my (limited) arsenal.

    please please

    I have the same problem as cggurr. I tried to fix it in the way he describes but it doesn’t work for me. Is there any other ways to fix it? What can possibly be wrong?

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