• Hello. I’m new to WP and just had a template created for my site. I have a navigation bar along the top with my different pages/catagories (parenting, wellness, family, etc) and I want to be able to have different posts on each of the catagory pages.

    For example I have one page/catagory as Parenting. I want to be able to post parenting info to that page. I have another page/catagory for Wellness so I would like to be able to post health info to that page. Every test post I did posted to the home page. Is there a way to make each “page” of my naviagation bar it’s own blog so to say?

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  • Hi

    Here’s a recent writeup I sent someone on this topic

    Most likely you want to create a static homepage and not use the posts page as your home page.
    Here’s an article which talks about that

    When you have the separate pages set up, if you still want a posts page, you’ll want to exclude the categories that display on the individual pages from displaying on the posts page

    But is it possible to have more then one post page?

    The category pages run on the template system from the WP core, so the system looks for category-[id#].php, category.php, archive.php, and finally index.php in that order to render the clicked category link from your nav bar.

    If, as stvwlf mentions, you use a static homepage, you shouldn’t have any posts on your homepage, because all the post information and rendering requires a query which requires LAMP, and “Parenting” tagged posts will only be in “Parenting.”

    Just as a note: This isn’t necessary the best way to increase/entice your readership. If a user has to dig for new stuff, they might get disheartened when they see the same old material prima facie and move on, not thinking to check the category pages.

    Wow, way over my head! (I am new to this stuff) I understand what you are saying about changing the material on the main page or readers might get disheartened. But let’s say that I want to have one static page and two pages where I can have posts on each one(Granted with different content). Is this possible? And if so, how do I do it?

    Thank you for your help ??

    Please, check out my blog so that you can see what I have and what I am trying to do. https://www.theresastreasuretrove.com

    Hi Theresa

    Everything you need to know/do to accomplish what you want (and yes it can be just like that) is explained in the first post I made plus the links that are in that post

    There is some example code also, that you can adapt to your site.

    Thank you. I am going to check it out as soon as I can! Thank you so much!

    Thread Starter mombliss


    thanks I will check it out too and I’m waiting for the designer who set up template to get back to me with some help.

    I want the home page to have a summary of different topics that are discussed in each of the catagores but I also want each page/catagory to have it’s own posts related to that catagory. So I’m hoping to have each page a post page and no static pages.

    @mombliss – the way to think of it is:

    You create one static page for each page/category combination. Those pages are blank – no content. That
    1) creates a Nav option for them and

    2) The posts from that category then use that blank static page as a template on which to display themselves.


    Check out this blog.


    This is how I’d like mine to work. Seems like the direction you are going combines categories as well as pages? I assumed there would be a simple solution to this as organizing a blog into mini-blogs on each page, then being able to sort the entire site by categories appears to make tons of sense.

    ie: On my blog, I may post something under the “education” page. I may post something else under the “events” page. Though each post is in it’s most sensible place because of it’s content, someone who is interested in anything San Diego, could choose my “San Diego” category and it would grab both posts.


    Most people with this request are really seeking to display a category of blog posts on a page.

    Vinography, which is not a WP site, is organized differently. Each URL on that site starts with the /archives/ folder. That is equivalent to WordPress category pages, whose URL’s by default are /category/MyCategory/MySubCategory/

    To do it that way your dropdown nav would be based on the hierarchy of categories rather than pages. That’s not as common in WP as using pages but themes exist that do it that way.

    Things you need to understand about WP categories are
    1) They can be hierarchical
    parent – child – grandchild, and
    2) categories can have only one parent

    if you have
    San Diego

    San Diego

    the two San Diego’s would be two different categories, even though they potentially share the identical name (which is not the best idea). The category slug (URL part) would be different.

    This limits to some degree the mix and match capability and requires advance planning of how you lay out your category structure. A post can be assigned to many categories, so that part is not an issue.

    WordPress also has a system called Tags – for some people it works to have
    as categories, and then have a tag San Diego. Then when searching for posts you include all posts in the category Restaurants that are tagged with San Diego. The built in WordPress query_posts code at this point can’t run a query like that. it requires custom code. However its quite doable.

    Think through how you want your data accessible – its an important design decision that you will live with for a long time.

    WordPress is adding in the next release the ability to have custom taxonomies – basically an extension to categories and tags – define your own classification system. I’m not sure at this point how clever developers will expand what WP can do with that new capability.

    Cool…thanks for that explanation. I’ll keep looking around for the right organizational structure.

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